Second Chance at First Line Part 1

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I watched Stiles jerk around in panic mode, relaying to me that Scott was shot by a hunter the night of full moon. We stood behind the bleachers because that's where Stiles dragged me as soon as Coach started practice.

"Yes, Stiles, I know this. I'm a werecat. I'm fully aware of the hunters. That's why I told you that you couldn't say anything. They kill people like us," I replied, crossing my arms and checking to make sure nobody overheard on the stands.

"That's not what I'm trying to tell you!"

"Then what is it? Spit it out already."

"Allison's dad... He's the hunter that shot Scott. And he doesn't recognize Scott."

I froze, staring at him. He had a smug look on his face like 'yeah, bet you want to hear what I have to say now'.

"This is a bad idea. Nope, I don't approve. We're all going to die," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Alright, alright, just, uh, calm down," he said, running his gloved hands down my arms as I inhaled deeply. "Good. You know, y-you kept your secret from me and Scott for, what, eight years? I'm sure Scott can do it for a year or two."

"Three," I corrected.

"Wait, what?"

I groaned, "Stiles, I was born as a human, not as a cat. Born werecats come of age at 13. That's when I first turned."

The corners of Stiles' mouth came down in an impressed frown. "Huh, wow." He turned to leave, then spaz-ed out and turned back to me. "Oh, I almost forgot. Did Lydia say anything to you about me? Before, during, or after the party?"

"Actually, yeah, she did," I said seriously. I could have some fun with this.

Stiles' face lit up in a brilliant grin. "Yeah? What'd she say?"

"Well, it was the weirdest thing. She was telling me about how she likes to swim naked. Then she asked me if I wanted to go swimming with her some time, and I said I'd love to. She told me that I could only come if I brought Stiles with me," I said like I was naïve to the fact that we'd all be swimming naked together.

His eyes darkened considerably and he licked his lips. "Wait, really?"

"No." I turned and made my way back to the front of the bleachers.

"You know, Y/N! You can't just play with a man like that! Especially like... Ugh, that." He ended in a quiet defeated voice since I had already walked away. I could practically hear the blood pumping to his lower half and snickered to myself as I sat up in the stands. Neither Allison nor Lydia were there today to keep me company, which was fine because as soon Stiles got back to the bench after adjusting himself a few times, Coach told him to get up and get in line for practice.

Jackson was in between the shooter and the net, responsible for blocking any and all shots a player would throw.

Scott seemed distracted today as he let Jackson plow him down. Oh, wait. Maybe it was the imminent fear of his girlfriend's dad wanting nothing more than to rip his little werewolf heart out. Yeah, that could have something to do with it.

Coach gave Scott a pep-talk, then Scott ran back to the front of the line, picking up a ball in his stick.

"McCall's gunna do it again," Coach announced in a sing-song voice. It reminded me of a freaky carnival clown.

The whistle blew and Scott ran ahead at a smirking Jackson. They rammed into each other, but Jackson was the one that went down, holding his shoulder in pain. I winced, knowing something was dislodged in there. Scott went down, holding his head, and I instantly ran onto the field to help.

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