Lunar Ellipse Part 2

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Stiles and I had the job of getting something from his dad and my dad while Isaac, Scott, and Allison went to Argent for weapons.

Stiles zoomed down the road, his heater on full blast although he was sweating like crazy. My blood was beginning to heat I my veins and my teeth had finally stopped chattering to where I could talk normally. Above us, a storm formed, so quickly it was almost instant. Thunder boomed and lightning crackled in the black clouds of night.

By the time we neared the Preserve, the storm was blowing leaves everywhere and the speed Stiles was driving made it nearly impossible to see what was ahead of us. He was driving blind, squinting like that would help him see through the dense fog and the sweat dripping from his eyebrows.

"Maybe we should slow-."

"Woah, sh-!" Stiles mumbled, jerking the wheel as a large branch hit the windshield. Luckily, it didn't break it. Stiles sighed with relief.

"Stiles, watch out!" I screamed as a tree appeared in front of us.

"Oh, shit!" Stiles tried to jerk the wheel and move the car, but it was too late. I screamed as we smashed into the trunk. Stiles and I flew forward, caught only by our seatbelts before I blacked out.


I don't know how much later it was that I woke up, but I was up before Stiles. He was slumped down against the window, blood dripping from his forehead.

"Stiles?" I said. It was so hot in the car. The heater was still blowing full force and I flicked it off. "Stiles, you have to get up." He groaned in protest. "Stiles!" Jerking up, he looked around with confusion.

"Aw, m-... My jeep," Stiles groaned.

"Forget the jeep. We'll get it later. We have to find the Nemeton."

We got out and started walking through the woods, and he brought a metal bat for protection since I was weakened from the crash and the bath. I heard what sounded like the ground being trampled on by elephants and ran towards the sound. It brought Stiles and me to the Nemeton, which brought us to Isaac and Allison as we met at them there. Isaac saw the blood on us and I waved him off, saying we were fine.

"How did you find it?" I asked them.

"You said it was in the preserve. I took a guess," Allison replied.

"How do we get in?" Stiles asked.

"Guys." Isaac stared at the cellar entrance, and we all ran for it. Allison and I were in first, and I ran straight to my dad.

"Dad!" I undid his apparently werecat-proof knots.

"You found us," he smiled. I nodded and threw myself into his arms, apologizing profusely for this mess. He kissed my head, holding me in a tight hug.

"Where's Scott?" Melissa asked while Stiles untied Sheriff.

"They're coming. They're on their way to help," Isaac responded as he removed her bindings. Thunder cracked above us, then a chunk of the roof fell inwards, covering us in dirt. On every side of us, the roof seemed to cave, and as we tried to run for the stairs they broke, leaving us trapped in a bushel of roots.

"It's blocked," Dad said after trying to find a way out. "What do you see? Anything?" he asked Isaac as Isaac searched the other side. Isaac shook his head, and I sighed.

The dirt started to fall again, then Dad jumped out of the way, yelling 'watch out!' as he pulled me away.

"Isaac!" I screamed when he didn't move. Isaac covered himself as the dirt came down, then Sheriff yanked him away from the falling roof. The wooden column holding up the roof began to snap, and Sheriff got Melissa, Stiles, and Allison out of the way. Isaac put his hands on the roof to hold it up. As the weight increased, his eyes turned yellow and he grunted.

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