Code Breaker Part 2

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Ten minutes later, Stiles came running back to me, slipping on the floor and landing on his back at my feet. I leaned forward to stare down at him with a 'sometimes I question our friendship' look.

"I found out how the pendant is related," Stiles said, scrambling back to his feet. He stood in front of me, looking down at me with his hands on his hips. Considering I was still sitting, it was right. there. It took all I had to keep from looking down.


"Dad got a witness saying the organizer of the Hale house fire, which they determined to be arson, was wearing a pendant."

"Allison's pendant?"

"I don't know yet, but I think so."

"Who was the witness?"

"He wouldn't tell me," Stiles groaned. "But I'm gunna find out."

"We need to find Scott. Like now," I said, beginning to feel like there might be some danger ahead. Stiles nodded and we started to walk down the hall to leave. Jackson caught up, asking us where we were going.

"To find Scott," Stiles answered.

"You two don't have a car," Jackson pointed out rudely. Although he was right. Freaking jerk.

"We're aware of that, thank you," Stiles snarked.

"Hey, I'll drive." Me and Stiles shared a suspicious look. "Come on." He grabbed Stiles' shoulder and Stiles shoved him off angrily.

"Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, alright? Half of this is still your fault," Stiles blamed. Jackson didn't even flinch.

"Look, I have a car. You guys don't. Do you want my help or not?"

It looked like Stiles was about to say no, but we kind of needed him. "Did you bring the Porsche?" I asked. Jackson nodded and dug his keys out of his pocket. I grabbed them from his hand. "Good. I'll drive."

"I want to drive," Stiles argued.

"You can drive on the way back," I offered, and he thought about it then nodded. We turned to leave, but Mr. Argent stepped in our way, startling us.

"Kids," he smiled at us. He had two large intimidating men (that I could totally take) standing behind him. "I was wondering if you can tell me where Scott McCall is."

"Scott McCall?" Stiles mumbled. "Haven't seen him since the dance. Y/N, you?"

"Have you... Checked the moon, maybe?" I quipped, giving them a cute shrug for good measure. They didn't seem to like that answer, and two men each grabbed the backs of our necks and shoved us into an empty room where they wouldn't be seen hurting three teenagers.

We all flew into a hospital bed and I groaned, mostly in annoyance. I turned around and stood in front of the boys as they leaned back against the bed so I could fight if I needed to. I checked my surroundings. One man on each side of us, Argent in front of us blocking the only door out. There was a trey of medical tools sitting on a counter. If I could just get to a scalpel...

Mr. Argent locked the doors and said, "Let's try this again. Where is Scott McCall?" None of us answered, and Argent ripped past me to hold Stiles up against a wall. I lunged for him, but one of the guys grabbed me, and I couldn't reveal myself to him, so it severely limited my options of defense, but I could find something if I needed to. "Let me ask you a question, Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"

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