Riddled Part 3

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Sheriff ran out a second later, talking on his walkie furiously. I wanted to go with him, but Scott said I messed with the scent trail. They ran off too fast for me to ask what was happening, but I overheard something about Lydia thinking Stiles was in Eichen House.

Instead, I went with Melissa to the station. I'd been there so much, it seemed like another home that I could just walk into, so it struck me as odd when Melissa stopped to ask the front desk if she could talk to McCall.

McCall walked into the room, his arm in a sling due to the stab wound he endured, and some papers in his other hand.

"My shift was over. I just wanted to see if I could help," Melissa explained.

"And you?" McCall said to me, his eyes looking at me like he didn't like me. Yeah, well, back at him.

"He's my-... Stiles is-... I can help him. Please, just let me help," I begged, seeing the look in his eye like he was about to say no. Melissa backed me up, saying he should let me, and he sighed and nodded.

McCall led us to his car, relaying his theories to us. I rode in the back quietly, simultaneously thinking about Stiles' location and McCall's story.

"So what are you saying?" Melissa asked.

"I'm saying the real question might be, how do we know he's not still asleep?"

"You mean he's been asleep this whole time?" I blurted.

"People who sleepwalk do crazy things," Melissa hummed like the idea intrigued her.

"I think when he called you, he was still asleep," McCall told me.

"Then maybe... What if..." My mind reeled with the thought as I trailed off. Melissa looked back at me, urging me to continue. "If he was asleep, maybe he's not in a basement at all. Maybe he's..." I don't know why the thought popped into my head, but I yelled for McCall to take the next left. He swerved, following my directions until he pulled to a stop in front of the Beacon Hills Preserve.

I heard the sound of Stiles screaming, and I left them behind to catch up as I darted in the direction of the sound. I found Stiles at the Nemeton, and I pulled him to me. He was screaming and clawing to get away like I was trying to kill him. Fat tears rolled down his cheeks, and because I didn't know what else to do, I wrapped my arms around him, caressing his back against my chest and whispering soothing things in his ear.

He stopped screaming and looked back at me, confusion in his eyes.

"You're alright," I whispered, sliding my hand down his face. "You're okay, baby." McCall and Melissa stared down at us, panting as I cradled Stiles. Stiles exhaled heavily, falling back against me. He trembled in my arms, holding onto me as tightly as I was him.

"He's so cold," I said to Melissa. Despite his temperature, he had sweat running down his forehead and pooling on his upper lip. I lifted Stiles' hoodie over my head and tried to hand it to him. That left me in my grey tank top that I slept in, and I was cold, but having Stiles close to me made me feel warm.

"N-No, you'll get c-cold," Stiles refused.

"I'm fine. Please, just put on the hoodie, Stiles. Please," I begged. He lifted his arms so I could help him slide it on.

"We need to get him to the hospital now," Melissa said. I nodded and helped him stand. He seemed like he could walk fine, but I stayed close to him just in case.

Something in Melissa's eyes when she looked at Stiles worried me. It was like she knew something awful that I didn't know. I also didn't know whether or not I even wanted to know.


"I don't know what happened. I was so sure," Lydia grumbled, all of us standing in the hall outside of Stiles' hospital room.

"Yeah, I wasn't much help either," Scott replied.

"It doesn't matter. Stiles is okay, that's what matters," I told them. Lydia stopped and looked behind her like someone had called her name. "Do you hear something?"

"No. I didn't hear anything," she replied seriously.

"O-okay. Um, I'm staying here with Stiles. I'll see you guys in school tomorrow." I waved them goodbye and walked into Stiles' room. His eyes slid open at the sound of me coming in, and he smiled lightly, holding out his arm to me. My heart swelled as I crawled into bed next to him. I felt so drained of energy as I let myself be cuddled into his warmth.

"Thank you for finding me," he muttered, half-asleep.

"Always," I replied. I leaned my head up to press a kiss to his lips. There were three blankets around us, and my head rested on Stiles' chest as he held me. It felt like I hadn't slept that good in days.

I awoke to the sound of Melissa and Sheriff talking outside the door. They left it open, so it wasn't hard to hear, and I stayed perfectly still as I eavesdropped.

"It was the other day," Melissa admitted. "I asked him some questions. Just symptoms and um, he, uh..."

"It's okay," Sheriff comforted as Melissa swallowed back tears. "I think I, um..." He pulled out a black notepad, flipping to the first page. I couldn't read what was on it, but it looked like jotted-down notes. "I think I know what you're talking about. I've been writing these down for the past two weeks." He let Melissa see the notes on it, and I guessed it had something to do with Stiles' symptoms.

He had been acting weird lately, and I was glad to know I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"I think we need to do some tests," Sheriff said after a minute. I looked up at Stiles' sleeping face, wondering what they were talking about. Whatever it was, it didn't seem good.

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