Muted Part 3

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Scott scowled and threw off his gloves, walking away for a second. Stiles followed him.

"Dude, what is going on with you?"

"I don't know. I'm having an off day," Scott replied.

"A really off day," I added.

"Thank you, Y/N. That was helpful," Scott grumbled, and I apologized sheepishly.

"You are dying out there. I feel actual physical pain watching you," Stiles said, adding gas to the flame.

Scott frowned with offense. "I didn't see you make any shots."

"That's because he sucks," I answered.

"Yeah..." Scott agreed with a small smile.

Stiles pursed his lips, putting his hands on his hips. "She said it was because I sucked, didn't she?"


"Thanks, Y/N. Real vote of confidence," Stiles said to me. I shrugged my shoulders up once like 'sorry, but it's true'. He shook his head at me and turned his back to me childishly. "You are the alpha."

"Not on the field. I'm human on the field," Scott said. Ugh, he was trying to be all fair and shit.

"Well, human you is kind of sucking at the moment. So do you think there's any way you can use just like a little tiny bit of wolf power?"

"It's cheating," Scott sighed.

"I know!" Stiles grumbled. "I just... I hate seeing this little freshman come in and steal all your glory after you worked your tushie off. I hate it."

"He's not gunna steal all the glory." The team cheered as Liam ran back to them, grinning widely after having made another shot in the net. Scott's eyes flashed red as he watched the scene, then Coach blew his whistle, signaling the start of another drill. Stiles and Scott were covering the goal for two-on-one, which meant they got the long sticks. More stick for Stiles to suck with. Adorably suck, but still suck.

As Stiles and Scott argued about the possibility of Liam being a werewolf (doubtful), they set up for the play. Garrett was first in line, but they're eyes were on Liam as he confidently slid his helmet onto his head, smirking at the pair. Stiles glanced at me, and my smile, which had been from watching Liam egg them on, dropped instantly. Hopefully, he hadn't seen that.

Thankfully, he didn't have time to dwell because Garrett ran for them. He easily slipped past Stiles, but Scott knocked Garrett's stick out of his hand with his own. I cheered happily with Kira while Coach praised them. Stiles and Scott no-looked each other while Garrett ran to the back after glaring at them. There was a lot of tension with these people, jeez.

"Those two are like sons to me," Coach said to a random player next to him, gesturing to Scott and Stiles. I grinned at the sentiment. Stiles winked at Scott as the whistle blew again, then they and the player against them were running at each other. As the guy tried to get past, Stiles and Scott closed together like gates, knocking him flat on his back. I screamed, jumping to my feet with my fists up in the air.

I glanced down. Kira was smiling at me, sharing in my excitement, but Malia looked at me as if I was weird and hard to understand. Awkwardly, I sat back down and gave Scott and Stiles a thumbs-up. My two boys celebrated by butting their helmets together, and Stiles backed away, trying to make it seem like he wasn't hurting as much as he was.

They made the same play on the next guy, and the team groaned in understanding for the guy's pain while Coach cheered Scott and Stiles on. Liam wore a look of worry as he watched Scott and Stiles chest bump.

The bump made Stiles fall to the ground, and he scrambled up, trying to pretend like it didn't happen while I giggled into my palm. They stopped celebrating, their smiles dropping as they realized Liam was watching them, a ball ready in his stick.

Liam's look changed to one of smug confidence as the whistle blew and he raced for them. Stiles lunged at him first, and Liam spun the stick into his other hand while gracefully side-swiping Stiles. Stiles fell onto his stomach while Liam kept going. Scott tried to swat Liam's stick out of his hands, but Liam ducked and twisted, slipping under him easily.

My eyes were locked on Liam as he threw the ball. Like every other shot he'd made today, it flew straight into the net. The team cheered while I sat open-mouthed replaying the incredible shot in my mind. Liam ran back to the team, giving Scott and Stiles a smug nod as he passed them.

"Damnit," I grumbled. Malia frowned at me then stood.

"That was luck!" she yelled. "Do-over!"

"Malia, sit down," I said through clenched teeth as I smiled.

"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is a practice," Coach replied.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles," she said. Coach scoffed, crossing his arms, and my fake smile turned into a real frown.

I stood up next to her. "Make it 20." Stiles' eyebrows shot up, disappearing into the top of his helmet.

Coach pointed at us and said, "I'll take that action." Malia and I fist-bumped as Coach called Liam back to the front of the line. They set up for the shot and Malia and I sat down. The whistle blew again, and Scott emitted a low growl as he and Stiles ran at Liam.

Stiles (obviously) missed Liam, but Scott bent, ramming his shoulder into Liam's stomach. I winced as Liam rolled over Scott's shoulder and landed on his back. Pretty sure I heard something crack. Liam groaned loudly, and the whistle fell from Coach's parted lips. I fist bumped Malia again for our win, then sighed with relief as Liam said he was okay, beginning to get up.

He groaned as he put weight on his leg, so Scott and Stiles threw his arms over their shoulders. They hauled him off to the nurse while I glanced down at Malia's paper, noticing the problem she was working on was completely wrong.

"Malia, this isn't how you do it," I told her. She groaned in frustration, and I faintly registered Coach's yells of anger. "It's okay. Really. You did the first part right, but here, you're supposed to do cosine, not sine. Do you ge-?"

"Y/N!" Kira shrieked. I glanced up to see a lacrosse ball spinning through the air right towards Malia's face. Without thinking, my arm shot out and my fingers closed around the ball while Malia stared at it with wide eyes.

Coach covered his mouth as I pursed my lips at him, dropping my hand to my side. I thought he was going to apologize, but instead he gawked.

"Wow! Nice catch," he praised. "Throw it back!" I rolled my eyes at him and tossed the ball into Kira's net. Technically, it was Scott's because she offered to restring it for him during practice. She shrugged and stood, then tossed the ball back at him. Coach screamed in pain as the ball his him in the gut, and he fell to the ground. I laughed loudly, holding my fist out to Kira. She smiled lightly and bumped our fists together while Coach struggled back to his feet.

"Someone ask them if they've ever played lacrosse," he wheezed. After a few minutes, he tried to get me and Kira to be on the team. I quickly denied it, but I encouraged Kira to do it.

She frowned uncertainly, so I faced Coach. "She'll do it. And you owe us 20 bucks."

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