Night School Part 4

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"Alright. Why don't we ease back off the throttle here," Stiles said, putting a hand on Scott's chest and pushing him towards me. He kept walking so the three of us were in a separate 'private' group meeting. "Okay, first off, throwing Derek under the bus, nicely done."

"I didn't know what to say. I had to say something. And if he's dead, then it doesn't matter, right? Except if he's not," Scott defended, seeming panicked. "God, I totally just bit her head off."

"She'll get over it. We've got bigger things to deal with right now. Like getting out alive," I replied, crossing my arms.

"But we are alive. It could've killed us already. It's like it's cornering us or something."

"So what, he wants to eat us all at the same time?" Stiles asked.

"No! Derek said it wants revenge."

"Against who?" I asked.

Scott shrugged. "Allison's family?"

"Maybe that's what the text was about," Stiles solved. "Someone had to send it."

Jackson jumped forward with annoyance. "Okay, assheads... New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?" Stiles scowled and I glared at Jackson.

"He's right," Scott said sternly to Stiles, who shook his head. "Tell him the truth if you have to. Just call him." Stiles got angrier and I bit my lip. Half of me agreed with Scott, but the other half wanted to protect Stiles, which meant protecting his dad, too.

Stiles looked around to everyone before saying to me and Scott, "I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive." He started to walk away.

"Alright, give me the phone!" Jackson lunged at Stiles, and Stiles whirled around, punching him square in the nose. Jackson fell to the floor.

"Oh, yes!" I muttered before I could stop myself. I couldn't help it, I was proud of Stiles for doing that. I had a hand on Stiles' arm, and Scott had one on the other. While I loved that he punched the crap out of Jackson, I didn't want there to be a fight.

Allison ran to Jackson, seeing if he was okay, then she looked back at Stiles like he was the monster. Stiles rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, calling his dad.

"Dad, hey, it's me. And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now." Alpha started to bang on the door, making the chairs shake and, as a group, we started walking backwards from the door. "We're at the school, okay? Dad, we're at the school." The banging continued as Stiles hung up.

"The kitchen. The door in the kitchen leads to the stairwell," I said.

"Which only goes up!" Scott complained.

"Up is better than here," Stiles said calmly. We started running into the kitchen to find the door as the banging got louder. Stiles and I were dead last, and as we closed the door, Alpha barged through the ones we had blocked off. And he looked pissed.

I ran up the stairs, now up at the front of the group, and I followed Scott into the hallways. He started checking for unlocked doors, so I did the same. We ended up going into the chemistry classroom, locking the door behind us. Scott leaned a chair up under the knob for extra protection, though against the thing out there, it was probably useless. I can't say it didn't make me feel better, though.

I was panting quietly, trying to listen like everyone else.

"He's here," I whispered, barely audible. Five seconds later, a low growl sounded right outside our door. I clenched my fist, digging my claws into my palm and mouthing my mantra. A shadow passed over the door window, then it walked right by us. Why would it do that? It knew perfectly well we were in here, so why pass on it when we're finally trapped?

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