Galvanize Part 2

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"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes, he said those exact words?" Isaac asked as he, Lydia, Allison and I followed Stiles down the empty hallway.

"Wait, like, William Barrow, Barrow? The shrapnel bomber?" I clarified.

"Yes, and yes," Stiles replied. "And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia during his surgery. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome."

"Did you say flies?" Lydia asked, and I turned to see she had stopped walking and had a blank look on her face. "All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like... This buzzing."

"Like the sound of flies?" I said, walking closer. She nodded, pursing her lips with annoyance.

"Exactly like the sound of flies."

Stiles ran down the hall and I followed, already knowing we were looking for Scott. His shoes squeaked as he stopped himself from running into another student, and I looked down the hall to see Scott.

"Scott!" I called.

"Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?" Stiles said.

"The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?" Lydia said, her heels clacking as she walked up to us. Scott looked like he was very confused as we crowded him.

"The police?" Scott asked.

"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here," Stiles answered. He was wearing a lot less plaid lately, and I found it surprising that I kind of missed it.

"Who? What are you guys-?"

Lydia sighed and demanded, "He has to be here. That sound, the buzzing I've been hearing. It's getting louder."

"How loud?" I asked. Lydia blinked slowly, her face contorting in slight pain to answer my question. Dang, that loud. "We should stop your dad from leaving," I said when nobody moved to do anything.

"Right." Stiles and I ran to go find Sheriff. He and his men were already walking to their cars as Stiles and I raced down the stairs, yelling for Sheriff to stop.

Sheriff turned with an exasperated look on his face.

"You can't leave yet," Stiles said.

"We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow at the train station," Sheriff replied. I looked at Stiles with confusion. That wasn't possible if he was here...unless he called it in himself to draw attention away from his real whereabouts.

"Let's go, Stilinski!" McCall yelled. Sheriff rolled his eyes and turned to follow, but Stiles begged him to listen. Sheriff did, but had his body turned like he was ready to leave at any second.

"Lydia said that he's still here," Stiles tried. Sheriff walked up to us seriously.

"Did she see him?"

"Not exactly. No," Stiles mumbled.

"But she has a feeling," I explained when Sheriff frowned. "A supernatural feeling."

Sheriff's face dropped with confusion as he looked over to Lydia who was standing by a door and dragging her finger along it with boredom. "What? Lydia wasn't on the chessboard."

"Well, she is now," Stiles sighed.

"Kanima?" Sheriff asked, almost like he was proud of himself for guessing it.

"Banshee, actually," I corrected. Sheriff rolled his eyes up to the sky, grumbling about the supernatural. "I know. I know how it sounds. But basically it means that she can sense when someone's close to death."

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