Smoke and Mirrors Part 3

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Inside, there were pews, but they were so old and broken that it reminded me of ash frozen in it's original form. Bits of moonlight streamed through the hole-riddled roof, casting an eerie glow over the ruins. The walls looked like peeling paint even though it was made of stone.

Peter guided us through the thin hallways, Stiles right behind him, then Liam, me and Malia bringing up the rear. He shot out his arms, stopping instantly and telling us to as well.

"We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira." Peter's voice echoed oddly in the space, making it seem like he was speaking louder than he was. Peter glanced around to gather his bearings, and as he did, Stiles' ringtone blared through the hall. I winced at the sound, watching as he pulled out his phone.

"How do I even have service?" he mumbled to himself before walking off and answering the phone. "Hi, Dad." Peter's arms flew out with exasperation as he looked back to me.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore. Don't look at me," I mumbled, shaking my head. Though, I secretly loved that Peter's immediate reaction was me. We all listened in on his conversation. Sheriff was pissed, but resigned to punishing Stiles after he got back.

For now, Sheriff was going to help by finding Lydia. I, no doubt, would receive some not-so-kind words from Sheriff for even letting Stiles do it, but I was prepared for it. Almost.

Stiles came back after the conversation was done, and Liam sighed. "What do we do now?"

"Duck!" Malia grabbed the back of Liam's neck, pulling him down with her as a Berserker's fist flew into the wall over their heads. In an instant, I was pulling both of them down the hall with me, running right behind Stiles and Peter. The Berserker followed behind, low growls coming from its mask.

Its scent of death was strong enough to make my eyes water as it seemed to infiltrate the air I breathed.

The hall ended and opened up into a large room decorated with wide pillars. I followed Peter's lead, hiding behind one, and Liam jumped behind the one with me.

Malia tossed Stiles Kira's sword and told him to find Kira and Scott as the rest of us prepared to take on this beast. Stiles looked like he wanted to argue, but instead he turned and ran.

I stepped out from behind the pillar to stand next to Malia as the Berserker walked into view. My face was already transforming into a werecat as we growled in unison. Peter took the first move, jumping out from behind the pillar to jab his fist across its face.

It spun back around and shoved Peter out of the way, so I went in next, slashing my claws at the stomach area. If I could just get past those bones... It swung its arm until I was running into the wall, my face slamming into it so hard I thought I might've left a permanent face mark in it. I groaned and shook away the fuzz from my vision before returning to the fight.

All four of us ganged up on it, trapping it between us as we took turns punching and swiping and kicking at it. It did what it could to fight back, so Liam, confidently might I add, swung his fist at its face. It grunted, finally showing some weakness. We took advantage of it, landing punch after punch, slash after slash onto it anywhere we could. We moved like a well-oiled machine with parts that fit each other like gloves.

Finally, Peter shoved his shoulder into it's back, and I stepped out of the way as it rolled to the floor. Peter threw me the bone knife that was on the floor, and I caught it easily.

"Take it! Aim for the skull!" Peter yelled, so I leapt on top of it. I raised the blade, roaring with determination. My hand suddenly stopped as I looked at its eyes. Something about those eyes felt too familiar. "Kill it! Kill it now!" I wanted to bring the blade down, but something was telling me not to.

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