Letharia Vulpina Part 2

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I kept my ears covered as we ran down to the basement where the sound was originating. I saw the familiar back of Stiles standing at the other end of the hall. He turned, his face flushed with a dim blue light that the emitter let off. For a second, I was worried we'd run into Void, but Stiles turned around, a confused look on his face.

"I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me. I swear to god, it's me," Stiles said, raising his hands in defense. I didn't know whether or not it was true, but I wanted to believe it so bad that I think I tricked myself into doing so.

Ethan and Aiden growled, their fangs sliding out and they shoved past me and Scott to hold Stiles up by his throat. He started choking and begging for them to stop as I shifted. I ran at the twins, pulling both back by the collars of their shirt. I didn't know how I had the strength to do it, but they stumbled back. Stiles dropped to the ground on his knees as I crouched protectively in front of him, hissing at the twins.

Scott put his arms out to keep them (by them, I mean Hot-Head Aiden.) from attempting to attack me to get to Stiles. They tried anyway and Scott shoved Ethan back into the lockers, and when Scott grabbed Aiden, he growled at him. Scott roared back, forcing him into submission. Aiden immediately backed down, averting his eyes to the ground as he stepped back.

I stood and looked back at Stiles. I didn't touch him, but I wanted to. Stiles' eyes flicked from me to Scott, sincerity in his eyes.

"It's me, guys. I swear it's me," he pleaded. "I don't know where I've been the last few days or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promise." His eyes locked with mine, which were quickly filled with frustrated tears. "It's me, babygirl. It's me." His arms were outstretched, and I couldn't keep myself from stepping into them and burying my face in his chest. His warmth flooded me and I realized how cold I'd been the past couple days.

"I hate it when you disappear," I whispered.

"I know, babygirl. I'm sorry," he replied. Stiles kissed the top of my head tenderly.

"You know what happened at the hospital?" Ethan panted from the ground, clearly not enjoying our little moment as much as I was.

"I know more than that," Stiles said, letting me step back from his arms so I could look at him. Stiles sighed and walked over to his bag, walking around so he could bend down facing us. He lifted a folded blue map from his bag. "You see this?" He started to unfold it. "It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring." He laid the map on top of his bag for us to see. There were red scribbles on it. "See all these markings in red? That's my handwriting. I know I did this. I caused the accident. And everything in this bag, it's all stuff that could be part of something bigger."

I sat on my knees in front of Stiles, looking down at the bag. Was that an electric saw? I picked it up slowly, looking at Stiles in question.

"What the hell have you been up to?" Ethan asked.

"I think something worse," Stiles admitted ominously.

"Worse..." I repeated quietly, setting the saw back in the bag.

"A lot worse," he added. I looked up at him, my shoulders sagging with the weight of his words. Nothing about this felt right. I reached out and took Stiles' hand.

"We'll figure it out," I said. He nodded, squeezing my hand gently. Again, to interrupt the moment, the twins grabbed the bag from under our hands and set it on a table. I rolled my eyes, and Stiles and I stood to go crowd the table with Scott and the twins. Ethan and Aiden both pulled out everything in the bag.

There was duct tape, chains, rope, thick wire in plastic coating and more. I shook my head as Stiles paced the floor behind me slowly, watching their every move.

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