De-Void Part 1

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The sounds of gunfire made me run even faster up the stairs, Scott and Kira behind me. I finally made it up and stopped in the doorway as Argent and Sheriff aimed their guns at me. Derek was on the ground with an open wound and Allison was kneeling next to him to make sure he was okay.

"Where's Void?" I asked, when they lowered their guns.

"What happened?" Scott's voice was stern, and Allison panted quietly, looking at me with pity.

"They disappeared," Allison replied. "They literally just vanished." My jaw clenched as I looked at Sheriff. He looked like he was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear.

"So did Stiles."


I drove Kira and Scott to Scott's house, then drove myself to Stiles'. Stiles' pillow wasn't cutting it anymore, and I needed his scent to get warm. I dressed in his t-shirt and wrapped myself in his blanket, curling into his bed for a much-needed sleep.

I don't know when I must've woken up or what did it, but I knew it was the middle of the night. I sat up in bed, pressing my back against the headboard and pulling the blankets up to my chin to cover myself. Void was standing at the foot of the bed watching me. He came around to the side of the bed and sat down, twisting his upper half so he could look at me. The bad part was that I wanted to thrust myself into his arms.

"Do you always sleep in my clothes when I'm not here, kitten?" Void asked, easing the blanket out of my hands so he could eye in body in only his shirt and a pair of underwear.

"I'm not wearing your clothes. I'm wearing Stiles' clothes," I spat. It came out more of a forced whisper. Void's hand fell on my thigh and I felt like I couldn't move. Or maybe I didn't want to. Just the touch of the familiar hand sent shivers through my body. It wasn't the warmth I was used to getting from Stiles. In fact, it almost made me feel colder, but it was in a good way. Like a cold shower after a summer jog.

Void had dark red circles under his eyes, and those eyes seemed to trail over every inch of my skin. It would've reminded me of Stiles if they hadn't been so hungry.

"We could rule the world, you and I," he whispered, letting his fingers drum on my thigh just under the hem of my shirt as though he was trying to entice me to open my legs for him. The sad thing was it was working. My throat constricted as I swallowed thickly. "You know what you are, don't you?"

"I'm a werecat." My voice was soft as I spoke. I wanted to sound stronger, but I couldn't. He had me under his control.

"Surely you must've figured out by now that you're much more than that."

I didn't respond, but my eyebrows furrowed as I tried to understand what he was telling me. I didn't know all of what I was, but I knew I was different.

"You don't die, Y/N. At least, not for long. You change into a cat when you want to. Haven't you figured it out by now? Don't you realize that you have a harder time controlling your emotions than other werecats, than your parents? And your brother, after what happened, didn't you feel stronger? More alive? When something goes wrong, you feel powerful. Don't you know why that is?" He paused like he was waiting, so I shook my head slowly. Void turned so he was in a crawling position on the bed, nearing his face to mine. "It's because you're like me. You're made for me."

I felt so overwhelmed with the information that I didn't even realize as he thrust his face into my neck, sucking harshly at the skin, his hands sliding up the inside of my shirt to rest on my hips. My eyes rolled back at the exquisite feeling of his hands and mouth on me, and he trailed slow, but feverish kisses up my jaw to my lips.

I didn't move my lips against his as he pressed them to mine. They were dry and a little chapped, but it still tasted–felt like Stiles. I wanted to move, but I was frozen. His fingers just barely grazed the inside of my thigh, so close to my core he could probably feel the heat coming from it, and shivers shot through my body. He settled between my legs, just barely brushing his clothed sex into mine.

Void pulled his lips away just a little, enough so that when he talked, they brushed against mine.

"We could show everyone what it really means to be an animal of chaos," he said. Finally, I came back to myself, and I shoved him away from me, pulling the covers back over my body.

"I'm nothing like you, and I don't want to be anything like you."

Void frowned like he was expecting that. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you've given me no choice." Void sighed loudly like a bad actor, and as I was about to ask what he meant, his hands grabbed my legs, yanked me down, and he crawled over me, trapping my body beneath his. I opened my mouth to scream, and he smiled like that was exactly what he wanted.

Void opened his mouth once his lips were near mine, one hand curved tightly around my throat. I heard the gentle buzz of a fly, and Void slapped his free hand over my mouth, easing his hold on my throat, but not letting go completely. I struggled, feeling the fly buzzing around in my mouth, searching for the entrance to my throat. I closed my throat as tight as I could, panting through my nose as I tried to push him off of me so I could force the fly out.

It seemed like Void wasn't even effected by me as he sighed with boredom. He shook his head at me like I was a child who wouldn't eat their vegetables, then he released my throat and pinched my nose closed, cutting off my air.

"You should swallow before the fly decides to burrow," Void said casually. "And trust me, that's painful." I shook my head, trying to make his fingers move from my nose, but he held on, and my eyes started to water. "Just let me in, kitten. It's so easy."

I fought him, keeping my throat closed, and finally he withdrew his hand from my mouth. Automatically, I gulped in a breath, sitting up, and the fly made its way down my throat. I coughed, trying to spit it up, but it never came. I grasped my throat, looking at a smirking Void with wide eyes.

"What did you do to me?" I croaked.

"I've unleashed your potential. Sleep now. We have a fun day planned tomorrow." Void grabbed my chin roughly and smacked a wet kiss to my lips that I didn't reciprocate. He vanished a moment later, and my eyes closed instantly like nothing had happened.

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