Muted Part 1

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I thought the whole 'break' thing would be more awkward, but it was kind of like he and I just slipped naturally back into that we had before. Oh, yeah, and the constant eye contact whenever one of us forgot we couldn't kiss or hold the other's hand. Yeah, there was that, too.

My heart stung and thudded in my chest whenever I saw him like it was trying to leap out of mine to get to him. Thankfully, my heart stayed snug in my ribs. I spent the night packing up what I would need, though I still had no idea where to go. I would figure it out. It wouldn't be too hard to find shelter, right?

My mind was busy thinking about my own problems as I walked with Scott and Stiles to the lacrosse field. Scott complained about the unlikelihood of him still being captain, which Stiles tried comfort him on. Today were tryouts, so we'd find out soon enough if he was still captain.

"We've got bigger things to worry about," I said. "Did you tell Argent yet?"

"Ahh.... I texted him, but he didn't get back to me," Scott sighed. I frowned at him and Stiles squinted.

"You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?"

Scott glanced between the two of us, a dumb look on his face. "I didn't have the money to call France."

"Yeah," Stiles sighed. "You think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

"Another notice?" I asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, and this one said 'final'." Stiles put his hands on his hips. I reached out to touch his arm, only to quickly snap my hand back, holding them behind my back and blinking at the ground. Stiles frowned. "What the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got 117 million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them."

Scott's eyes stared over Stiles' shoulder, an unhappy look on his face. "It is now." Stiles and I turned to look at the field. A boy threw a ball into the net with every ounce of strength he had, yet it was caught by the boy in the goal. In fact, every ball that was thrown, the boy caught. Who the hell was this kid?

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles grumbled.

"You know, it's fine. Maybe he's just incredibly amazing at being goalie. He could suck at everything else," I comforted with a nonchalant shrug.

The kid slid off his mask, a smirk on his face. For some odd reason, I felt drawn to him. Not in a romantic 'let's have sex and kiss a lot' kind of way, but still a pull that made me want to hug him for hours. He was short and had brown hair, now spiked in all directions due to his mask. Even from here, I could see his eyes were a pale blue.

"Nice, Liam," a kid, who I think was named Garret, smiled, tapping him on the shoulder. "You might just be the new captain." Liam chuckled and tapped his stick with another guy in a 'cheers' way.

"Maybe you guys should practice," I hummed. Stiles turned his head to look at me with an incredulous stare, and I shrugged. After a couple of awkward seconds, he nodded in agreement since I was right, then he and Scott ran out onto the field.

I sighed, walking over to the bleachers. I waited there while they practiced, and I had to admit, Stiles' back shots were terrible. After thirty minutes of them practicing (and kind of sucking) and me getting lost in my thoughts, we went inside for school.

Math class, fun. As I walked up, I saw Malia at the door. She had a textbook clutched in her arms and a scared look on her face. She was staring at the jumble of math equations on the board, then she slowly stepped out of the room.

I put my arm around her, guiding her in the room while she groaned. "I hate math," she grumbled. "It's pointless."

"It's school," I reminded as we sat down in our seats. Stiles was already sitting down with Scott.

"She try to cut again?" Stiles asked, and I nodded.

"School is important, and math is essential," I told her. Malia rolled her eyes at me.

Leaning forward, Stiles shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm pretty good at math. I could help you." She smiled at him, the kind of smile that makes a girl wonder. I didn't have time to overthink it because Mrs. Fleming called volunteers up to the board to solve the equations, Malia being one of those 'volunteers'.

Malia growled lowly and stood to walk to the board with Lydia and the other guy. Malia wrote down 'x=' and then stared hopelessly at the numbers. Lydia and her shared hushed whispers which I would've been more inclined to listen to had I not heard Stiles' phone buzz. He looked at it, then his eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at me.

"What?" I whispered.

"Triple homicide."

Through class, we tried as best we could to keep calm, but the longer class ticked on, the harder my pencil pressed to the page. We couldn't see the whole story yet due to the no phone policy, so I had no clue what was actually going on.

As soon as the bell rang, Stiles and I ripped through the door to find Scott. He was with Kira, so she heard the story Stiles and I sputtered out.

"An axe murderer?" Kira repeated with disbelief.

"A family-murdering axe murderer," Stiles corrected as we walked behind Scott and Kira.

"I already heard about it," Scott sighed.

"What? You did? How?"

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Okay, great. Let's go," I said. Scott grabbed my arm, repeating 'woah' while pulling me back to him. I furrowed my eyebrows at him with confusion.

Scott started to fiddle with the lock on his locker. "We've got Econ in five minutes."

I frowned at Stiles, and him at me as we registered what Scott just said. "Right. Did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe murderer?" Stiles asked.

"Did you forget your dad is the Sheriff?" Scott retorted, making me squint at him. What was with his whole 'do nothing' policy? I hated it. "They want us to stay out of it."

"Are you kidding me? When have we ever stayed out of it?" I flung my arms up before resting my hands on my hips in what I hoped was a disapproving way.

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it," Kira said shyly.

My mouth was stuck in an open position as I muttered, "So the two of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class?" Scott and Kira made faces at each other before looking at me and Stiles like that was exactly what they wanted to do.

I pursed my lips at them, shaking my head as Stiles said, "I've never heard anything so irresponsible in my life."

We seemed to turn at the same time and walk away, both with disapproving head shakes. "See you at tryouts?" Scott called. "Stiles? Y/N?!" Stiles flung his arms around like he was mentally saying 'fine'.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, flopping my hand over my shoulder at them. I turned the corner as the bell rung, then I realized I was walking with Stiles and our hands were dangerously close to touching. Not only that, but we had just acted as one unit against Scott and Kira. Stiles seemed to be thinking the same thing because he slowed and looked down at me. My mouth dried, and I just knew he wanted to kiss me.

"Um, see you at tryouts," I blurted, mentally smacking myself. He frowned, and I nodded stiffly before rushing to my next class. Smooth, Y/N. Real smooth.

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