Lunatic Part 2

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My parents cried and hugged me for what felt like hours when they saw me. I thought they would know why I was alive, but they seemed to be just as clueless as the doctors. Well, not as clueless because they agreed to let me go home with them instead of staying over-night.

Vases of flowers and pans of casseroles cluttered the house. It seemed like I had been the talk of the town. And now, due to my magical death-defying self, I was probably going to wind up being the talk for the next few days as well. Oh, well. It would die down by the time school started back up.

Lydia and Allison came to see me, both very confused but happy that I was alive. They stayed for a few hours as we hung out in my room, and it made me slowly drift back into something normal.

Scott showed up a bit after them and was surprised that I was happy to see him.

"You're one of my best friends, Scott, of course I'm happy to see you," I smiled at him when he guiltily asked me why.

"I killed you."

"You didn't mean to. You weren't yourself," I defended.

"But I did it."

"Eh," I shrugged. "What's a little homicide between friends?" He smiled lightly at my joke, and I pat the bed in front of me, getting him to sit down. "So what's been going on? With Alpha, Stiles, Allison?"

"I haven't seen anything of the alpha since that night. Or Stiles. I keep trying, but he won't talk to me. And neither will Allison," he admitted sadly, a heavy frown on his face. "I messed up, Y/N. Big time. I don't know if I can fix it this time."

"You can fix it. I'll help you," I replied confidently. He went quiet as he stared down at my bed.

"I remember, you know. I remember every second of it." I waited, listening to him. That's probably what he needed right now. A friend to listen. "I remember tearing into your chest. I remember liking it. He wants me to kill my pack to join his."

"I'm not in your pack, Scott. I told you, we cats aren't pack people. However, I am your friend. Which means I know you. You were under his influence, his control. Anything you did that night was not the Scott McCall I know, and it's not the Scott sitting in front of me right now." I paused, and he pursed his lips like he was about to cry. "This Scott McCall, he's a leader. And he's not a murderer. He helps, not hurts. This is the Scott McCall that I've forgiven."

Tears spilt over his eyes and he pulled me into a tight hug, surprising me for a split second before I hugged him back. He apologized and I just held him for as long as he needed.


I sat in Stiles' jeep for a minute, staring out at the people walking into the school.

"I can take you home, you know. If you're not ready," Stiles said. He sounded hopeful, like if I ditched then he could ditch, which would mean he wouldn't have to see Scott.

"You're gunna have to forgive him sooner or later," I said, looking over at him.

"No, I don't."

"He's our best friend. He wouldn't have killed me if he knew what he was doing." I closed my eyes and laughed. "God, that's such a weird sentence."

I sat in my desk, Stiles next to me, as we waited for the bell to ring so the test could begin. Everyone in the class seemed to be staring at me. I tried my best to ignore it.

Scott walked in and stopped when he saw Stiles. Stiles blinked and looked away, then Scott frowned and looked at Allison, who also looked away. He decided to try and talk to Allison but was blocked by Mr. Harris, so he came and sat on the other side of me. I sighed, thinking about how difficult this mend was going to be.

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