Letharia Vulpina Part 3

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We got to the school as quick as we could. Sheriff made us stand behind the line with the rest of the students as he and Parrish (aka our local bomb squad apparently) tried to find out if the bomb sitting in Jared's lap on the bus was real. Even from out here, I could taste Jared's fear so strong it made my body tired.

I had Stiles' plaid, dark blue flannel over my body. He was in a black t-shirt now, and he'd gotten upset because he thought other guys would be looking at me. I told him that wasn't our biggest priority right now, but he made me wear his flannel anyway. Honestly, I didn't mind much. I loved wearing his clothes. I just wish we were in a better situation so I wouldn't feel so guilty about enjoying it.

Parrish was dressed in protective gear, carrying a large bag onto the bus carefully. I didn't think that gear would really help much if the bomb went off, but I wasn't a bomb expert, so...

Parrish knelt next to Jared, who smelled like sweat. "Jared, it would really help me if you would resist throwing up on the potential explosive device. Can you do that for me?"

"I think so..." Jared mumbled. Parrish slid his scissors between the ribbons to cut it. "You... You look really-."

"Handsome? Thank you," Parrish interrupted. "For a second there, I thought you were going to say I look really young and I was going to have to launch into my explanation about how I'm actually 24, and that anyone could look young if they eat right and exercise. Although, it's probably just good genes anyway, right?" Jared gasped and flinched as Parrish cut the ribbon.

I was acutely aware that I'd been holding my breath, waiting for an explosion that never came. Slowly, Parrish eased off the lid of the box.

"Huh," he muttered, surprised.

"Something's wrong," I told them since Stiles couldn't hear.

Sheriff's radio crackled and said, "It's not a bomb, sir, but there is something in the box." I watched Parrish walk up to the bus windshield and he held a name plate to it. Sheriff's name plate. I looked over to Stiles, wondering why the hell Void would pull something like this.

That is, until I heard Sheriff mumble under his breath, "My god. There is a bomb, but not here." Sheriff immediately called in a bomb warning at the station, and no doubt they were all running around like flies trying to figure out what to do.

"The bomb is at the station," I relayed to Stiles. He looked like everything he'd known as just been proved wrong and he knew nothing anymore.

We were less than a mile away when the bomb finally went off. Stiles couldn't hear it, but Scott and I could, and we shared a dreaded look. Stiles finally stopped at the station and we all ran inside.

The building looked like an exploded building would. The glass was blown to pieces and scattered on the floor, there were multiple people lying on the floor in pain, wood was splintered, doors were hanging off their hinges, and walls were black.

Sheriff knelt by one of his deputies, calling in for an ambulance. Stiles called Scott over to a man lying on the ground in his blood while I stared at the scene around me. Derek and Argent were standing, and Derek's back was covered in glass and blood, yet Argent was unharmed. It almost looked like Derek protected Argent's body from the blast.

I dropped to my knees next to a deputy, pressing my hands over a fast-bleeding wound on her side. It didn't look like she'd survive, but maybe if I stopped the bleeding, she would make it long enough to get to the hospital. Blood spurted out of her mouth as she looked at me.

"Tell my family-." She cut herself off with a wet cough, and I pressed down harder.

"Don't do that. You tell them yourself. Okay, stay with me. An ambulance is on its way." The woman was in so much pain that it was like I could feel it myself, yet no matter how much I told my body to take her pain, it wouldn't obey.

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