I.E.D Part 2

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    Stiles caught me right before I could leave the house. He forced me to turn to him, giving me a stern expression. "Why are you lying to me?"


    "You know what the 35 million is for, don't you? You lied."

    "No, I don-."

    "You're still lying! God, Y/N, what is going on with you?" Stiles blurted, throwing his arms into the air. "You've been lying for weeks. I don't know what you're lying about, but I know you well enough to know when something's wrong."

    I pursed my lips, guilt rising in my chest as I crossed my arms, and I looked at the ground, mumbling, "You know about the dead pool."

    "Yeah, I know about the dead pool." He crossed his arms, mirroring me, except his eyes were staring straight at me. I felt like a daughter getting berated. "Lydia found it the night you disappeared. I thought-. We thought you were..."

    Without moving my head, I glanced up at him through my lashes. "I'm sorry."

    He waved his hand at me. "It's not your fault." When I didn't say anything, he sighed heavily, and his hand shot out, wrapping around me to pull me into another tight hug. I closed my eyes, trying not to cry. He was so familiar yet so unfamiliar, and I didn't know how I was going to go so long without being able to kiss him or touch him the way I wanted to. And this was only making it harder.

    I pulled away, swallowed back the lump in my throat. "Okay. I'm gunna go and-."

    "Why don't you shower here?" he interrupted.


    "Yeah, you still have clothes here. You clean up, and then we'll fill you in on what happened."

    I wanted to deny, but honestly, the school was closed for the weekend, and I didn't know where else I could go to shower. I nodded, and he led me back upstairs an into the room where Scott and Malia were still waiting. I wondered if they heard anything.

    Stiles went to his room and came back moments later with my clothes and a towel in his hand. I took them with a small, shy smile and made my way into his bathroom. The second I closed the door, I was overwhelmed with memories. There was that one time in the shower.

    I was showering, and he came in to brush his teeth. I ended up blowing him in the shower. We were late to school that day.

    Then there was the other time where he just couldn't keep his hands off me, and he ground himself into my ass until we were both panting with desire. That led to a fun day of teasing at school.

    And the other time when we were brushing out teeth and he couldn't stop looking at me, except when I was looking at him. Our eyes played ping-pong with each other until we were both grinning at our own reflections. We didn't even need to talk to each other, yet we had an amazing time together.

    But that was all done now. There'd be no more moments like that. I blinked away reformed tears, setting my towel and clothes on the counter. I stripped down, waiting for the water to heat up. Dirt and leaves seemed to fall from every crevice in my body, reminding me that now I had to sweep his floor.

    Someone rapped on the door with their knuckle, and my hands automatically went to cover my body even though the door hadn't opened.

    "Y/N/N, are you hungry?" Stiles asked.

    My stomach growled loudly in response to the question. "No. It's fine." Again, my stomach grumbled in protest. I felt like I was already taking too much of their hospitality. Obviously, my heart knew that Scott and Stiles would have no problem helping me in any way I needed, especially with something as simple as a meal, but my brain kept telling me not to be a burden.

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