The Benefactor Part 1

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I glanced both ways in the hallway, making sure no one was around. Thankfully, it was empty, so I quickly opened my locker and stacked my folded clothes in there. I left a few in the bag under the bush outside my house, but I needed somewhere to keep them. Here seemed better than nowhere.

I shut my locker, and immediately my mind went fuzzy like I was drunk. I felt light-headed like I was going to pass out at any second. I had felt the same way when I changed back this morning. I guess it was just going to be a thing.

Grabbing a change of clothes, I headed down to the locker room to shower. I got to school an hour early purely so I could do this in private. I didn't need people asking questions.

My shower was quick, mostly because I was having a hard time staying on my feet. I had to keep grabbing the wall to balance myself. I'd get used to the shift, but for now I felt weak and tired. It was even hard to gather the energy to turn off the water.

I dried and dressed quickly, sticking my hair in a ponytail because I didn't feel like messing with it.

Finally, class started. Stiles greeted me as he came in. He was looking perkier than normal, and if I had energy, I would've asked why. I smiled lightly at him as he sat down next to me, giving me a weird look.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Why do you ask?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant. He glanced down at my feet with a small smile like he thought I was cute.

"You're wearing two different shoes."

I looked down at my feet to see one white van and one black and white converse. How did that even happen?

"I just woke up late," I covered. He accepted that answer, and I looked around the room. "Hey, where's Scott?" Stiles shrugged, and I frowned. Helpful.


I walked home slowly, saving up my energies. Neither Scott nor Liam had shown up today, which worried me slightly. Especially after what happened on the roof, which, by the way, the police were all over.

As I walked past Scott's house, from inside I heard both Scott's and Stiles' voices, and then a third rapid heartbeat, sending out waves of panic and anger to me.

"Oh, no," I muttered. Please let that not be who I think it is. Please, please tell me Scott has not kept Liam hostage the entire day. There was a loud crash and I immediately climbed my way up to Scott's window.

Getting to the window was more of a pain then I remembered it being. It was harder than almost anything I'd ever done, and by the time I actually got up, I was breathless. I leaned against the wall for a bit before finding the strength to go inside.

Scott and Stiles groaned in pain as they stumbled out of the room. Stiles was holding his eye like he'd been punched, and there were pieces of a broken wooden chair scattered on the floor. And duct tape. But no Liam. Great. They were idiots.

"Get him!" Stiles screamed. Both boys ran out of sight screaming, then a third scream joined them. That was Liam's scream. I ran out just in time to see all of them fly down the stairs, groaning in pain.

I walked over to the edge of the stairwell, standing at the top and watching Stiles and Scott wrestle each other while Liam ran outside.

"I got him!" Stiles said as he grabbed onto Scott's leg. "I got him, I got him!" I watched them without moving, my hands on my hips and a frown on my face. It slowly perked up into a smile as the sight of my goofy boys.

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