Fireflies Part 2

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Argent dropped a heavy duffle bag onto the dirt in the Preserve, crouching behind it. Scott, Derek, Isaac, and I faced him, waiting for his word.

"You're tracking them by print?" Argent asked.

"Trying to," I mumbled, letting him know that it wasn't going very well.

"Well, then, you've been wasting your time," Argent replied, looking down at a boot print in the mud. "There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man." Argent stood tall and proud. "And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is Boyd's and these-."

"Are Cora's," Isaac finished confidently.

Argent sighed. "Nope. They're yours."

"Ugh, jeez," I groaned, swiping my hand through my hair exasperatedly. Isaac looked down and played with his fingers in embarrassment, avoiding Argent's eyes.

"You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here," Argent explained to Isaac. Isaac looked down at his feet, still playing with his fingers. "Listen, I know the four of you are focusing half of your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in. They put the pedal to the floor where you four are barely hitting the speed limit."

Derek frowned like he didn't care much to hear that and said, "So what do we do?"

"Focus on your sense of smell. Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred miles a day by scent. Y/N, you'll use your hearing. You can hear better than all of them combined. A trained hunter can use these to track them."

Allison, I knew, was somewhere in these woods, dropping a few drops of her blood in various places in order to lead Boyd and Cora where we wanted them. Which was the school. At some point, the school was going to run out of funding to repair all the damages we make to it.

Argent shoved a metal rod into the dirt, saying, "These are ultrasonic emitters. It's one of the tools we use to corral werewolves, pushing them into a direction we want them to run. Y/N, you'll want to put these in. It'll be too powerful for your ears this close." Argent tossed me a pair of earplugs, and I quickly put them in.

After giving him a thumbs up, he pressed a button the top of the spike, and it lit up and gave off a high squeal that made me want to drop to the ground and shove my head in the dirt to get away from it.

Argent noticed my expression and explained, "These give off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear."

"God, no kidding," Isaac groaned. Argent smiled up at the sight of all of us holding our hands over our ears. He chuckled then turned off the emitter. He opened a large trunk in the back of his van and gave all of us two emitters.

"These are gunna drive them to the school?" Derek asked.

"And then it's up to you to get them into the basement," Argent replied.

"Does anyone else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh... Kill them?" Isaac said, grumpily taking two emitters.

"It's going to work," Scott said.

I nodded. "Yeah. We have the Argents. It has to work." Argent shut his trunk, and we broke off to enact the plan.

Scott and I had the area near the school, I, the front, and he, the back. I threw one emitter into a tree on one side and it immediately began to scream. The other I punched into the ground, creating almost a runway effect to the front doors of the school.

Scott and I ripped open the front door, leaving it open for Boyd and Cora, then we ran over to Argent. He was putting in the last emitter—this was absolutely miserable for me, by the way—and when he stood he was staring up at a little bug with a confused expression.

"Do you see that?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's a firefly," Scott answered.

"No, no, I know, it's..."

"What?" I prodded.

Argent looked over to me like he was concerned. "It's just very unusual. The California fireflies aren't bioluminescent. They don't glow." I looked up at the bug and, sure enough, it's little butt was blinking with light.

"Does that mean something?" Scott asked. Argent looked at us quietly, then opened his mouth. Before he could talk, a werewolf howled loudly. I couldn't tell if it was Boyd or Cora's because I'd never heard either of them roar before. I knew Derek was waiting somewhere in the school. I didn't know where Isaac was, but I knew he was somewhere around the school.

My phone started to ring loudly and I winced as Scott and Argent gave me unhappy looks. I apologized and turned off the sound. I was about to forward the call, but I noticed it was Stiles calling.

"Stiles, can it wait?" I answered.

"No. Listen, Cora and Boyd didn't kill the kid. I'm at the hospital. Get here now," Stiles said, then hung up before I could speak.

"Scott, I don't mean to leave, but Stiles-."

"Go. It's okay. We got this one handled," Scott allowed. I nodded and started to run in the direction of the hospital. When I was far enough away from the emitters' torturous sounds, I threw the earplugs to the ground.

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