Creatures of the Night Part 2

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Our plans were quickly changed after Melissa's panicked phone call about a build-up at the hospital, so instead we went there. I followed Scott, and Liam followed us. A blonde girl with blood covering the side of her face was wheeled past us. Luckily, she was unconscious.

"My dad is helping out in surgery," Liam said, almost sounding frantic as his little legs tried to keep up with our wide strides. "He's not gunna be done for hours." Scott and I glanced at each other as if sharing the same thought. We knew exactly what Liam was trying to say. "So, I'm either hanging out here...or I could still go with you guys."

Scott pressed the down button the elevator with his thumb, taking in a deep breath. Liam watched us with hope in his eyes, and I sighed. How could I say no to him when he was giving me that look?

"Show me your hands," Scott ordered kindly. Liam frowned, already knowing the point Scott was going to make. He glanced over his shoulder before pulling his hands from his jacket pockets. There was dried blood on and under his fingernails and healing crescent shapes in his palms, also with dried blood.

I sighed sadly at the sight, and I was sure he could sense my pity because he jerked his head in a 'what?!' way.

"Okay, so I'm still having trouble," he whined at me, giving me that look again, the puppy eyes that made me want to give him everything he asked for. That jerk.

"No," Scott replied. "You're still learning." There was a soft smile on his face that made me smile just looking at him. Scott really was a great alpha.

"Control takes time, Liam," I said with (hopefully) the same smile. "What do you do to stay focused on not changing?" Liam pulled on the earbuds that were dangling from the front of his shirt, but he sure didn't look happy about it.

"But it's not working."

"It's working enough." Liam nodded at Scott lightly, chewing on the inside of his lip. "Listen, Derek told me that you were one of the strongest that he'd ever seen at your age. Coming from him, that means a lot." The elevator dinged behind me and Scott, but we ignored it to keep talking to Liam, who still didn't seem convinced. "Maybe it means that things are gunna be harder for you for a while." Scott backed up into the elevator, so I followed, and he put his hand on the door to keep it from closing. "But it also means something else, doesn't it?"

Liam shrugged lightly, shaking his head with confusion. "That I'm really strong?"

Scott dropped his hand, a smile on his face. "Hell yeah."

I smiled at Liam lovingly when his own lips twitched upwards. "You'll be just fine, Liam. Don't worry too much." Liam nodded at me as the doors slid closed. The elevator began its slow descent downwards. "He is gunna be fine, right?"

"Sure, he will," Scott said, slipping his arm over my shoulders to squeeze me to him gently. "He's got us." I smiled up at him, but then the doors slid open and chaos resumed. Stiles was already talking to us, preparing to drag us in the direction he wanted us to go, and behind him doctors, nurses, and patients were buzzing around like bees. Scott dropped his arm from around me as he got into business mode.

"Still can't reach Kira," Scott told him. We walked down the hall under the flickering lights. Why did the lights always seem to be shorting out? Could we really not afford some decent lights?

"Okay, you reminded her about tonight, though, right?" Stiles asked.

"I think so," Scott shrugged. "She's only texted me once this week." I frowned at the ground I was staring at before turning my gaze to Scott.

"Once? How did you guys leave things when she left for New York?" I asked. Scott looked like he didn't understand why I was asking.

"Well, they were good. Yeah, I just said, 'Don't worry about anything, just go and have fun'," Scott shrugged.

At the same time, both Stiles and I groaned, "No." Scott's eyes jumped between both of us with confusion.

"Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," Stiles sighed.

"Except everything," I corrected sassily. Stiles narrowed his eyes at me, but I pretended not to notice as I kept my eyes trained on Scott. "Scott, you don't tell a possible girlfriend to 'go have fun' when she leaves. It could be interpreted wrong." We all stopped at the reception desk where Malia was already waiting, flipping through a magazine. She glanced up at our approach.

Scott's eyebrows furrowed at me when I stopped to face him. "Like how?"

"Like 'Don't worry, we're not exclusive. Go have fun with other guys'," I told him.

"Sensitive," Stiles quipped, and I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't have time for sensitivity right now.

Scott ignored our bickering, saying, "What? No."

"Malia," Stiles said. I rolled my eyes again for Scott not believing me. Malia turned, now tuned into the conversation. "If you were going away, and I told you, 'Don't worry, have fun', what would you think I was talking about?" Malia blinked once, thinking about the question while all our eyes were trained on her.

"Fun like bowling? Or sex with other guys?" she asked. At the same time, Stiles and I turned to give Scott an 'I told you so' look, and he frowned deeply.

"Okay, now I'm worried." Scott went to dial her number again, but we were all distracted by the 25-year-old man being wheeled in on a stretcher. His face was contorted in pain from an apparent car crash, and Melissa comforted him. "Hey, mom. Where's all this coming from?"

Melissa paused only for a second to say, "A jackknifed tractor-trailer on 115, caused a major pile up." We all knew there was only one way into Beacon Hills from the airport, and that way was 115. We also knew that this meant that Kira would probably not make it to the school in time, which blew. I frowned at the thought of not having Kira with me.

I already didn't want to do this stupid Senior Scribe, but thinking about doing it without her made the prospect even worse. Scott, thought he wasn't doing it for me, smiled excitedly.

"I can get her," he said confidently, already walking towards the door. "You guys head to the school. Lydia's probably already there. We'll meet you by midnight." He was out the door in a flash, and I wished desperately I could go with him. It wasn't so I could be there to see Kira, but it was because I was already feeling the discomfort of being in Malia's and Stiles' presence. It's not like they were doing anything in particular that I didn't like, and I was totally over Stiles. However, being around them alone was something I did not want to do. I guess I didn't want to do much of anything at the moment.

So much so, I even contemplated sneaking off to stay with here with Liam until they left. I couldn't really go home until after the scribe thing was done because I was certain Scott would find me there and drag me back by my ear.

"Y/N! Come on," Stiles said, snapping me out of thought. I followed him and Malia, pursing my lips to keep from rolling my eyes. Again.

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