Second Chance at First Line Part 2

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The math teacher called up Lydia and Scott to do the problems on the board. As Lydia worked out the problem, she spoke to Scott.

"Why is there a rumor going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" she asked quietly.

Scott just stood there, his piece of chalk not moving. "Because I'm sort of not."

"I think you sort of are," Lydia snarked, only stopping for a second before she continued solving the problem. "Especially since you brutally injured my boyfriend by ramming into him."

"He brutally injured himself ramming into me," Scott corrected, looking at her.

She smiled, pausing to look at Scott. "Jackson's gunna play tomorrow. But he's not gunna be at his peak, and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance," she said suggestively. I narrowed my eyes at her. Why does she keep subtly (and no-so-subtly) going after Scott when her friend is his girlfriend? And why the hell would Stiles be into someone like that?

Scott frowned confused (innocent, naïve little thing), and looked at the board again. "Okay?"

Lydia's chalk clacked on the board as she wrote. "I date the captain of the winning lacrosse team, and if they start off the season losing, then I date the captain of the losing lacrosse team." She quickly turned her head to look at him, her hair swinging back perfectly. "I don't date losers."

I didn't know if she was really that shallow or if she was putting on a façade. I knew her whole 'I'm dumb and cute' thing was a mask, but sometimes with her, I really couldn't tell if she was a bitch or not.

"Losing one game isn't gunna kill anyone," Scott said loudly. "In fact, it might even save someone." He still hadn't solved even part one of the equation.

"Fine." Lydia wrote the answer down and turned to Scott fully, placing her chalk down and pursing her lips. "Don't play. We'll probably win anyway. Then we'll go out after like we were planning... And I'll introduce Allison to all the hot players on the team." This got Scott's attention, and I groaned. God, she could be manipulative. "And Scott McCall can stay home, surfing the net for porn." She swiped her hands together and sashayed back to her desk.

I sighed and chew on my lip. She really knew how to get what she wanted.

The teacher smiled at her and inhaled once he saw Scott's work. "Mr. McCall, you're not even close to solving your problem."

"Tell me about it," Scott and I said at the same time. On top of Scott being an untrained attack dog, I now had to worry about him during the Saturday game, too. Fantastic.

Scott was at his locker, and Stiles was on his way to talk to him when I walked by, my backpack on and ready to leave. Stiles pulled me to the wall and pointed down the hallway. His dad, another officer, and the principal were talking.

"Tell me what they're saying," Stiles said.


"Just do it." I sighed and swept my hair behind my ear, staring at them as I tuned in. "Can you hear them?"

"There's like 700 different conversations going on in this school. Give me a minute to find the right one," I defended. I was lying. That wasn't the reason. I was looking right at them, it would take me no time at all to find it. The fact was that Stiles' hand was on my shoulder and his body was so close to mine that it was distracting me.

"Like a radio."

"Sure, now shush." I focused in on Sheriff and listened.

"-want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their home by 9:30 pm. We'd like to institute this curfew, effective immediately," Sheriff said.

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