I.E.D Part 4

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"Who paid for the keg?" I asked.

"Garrett," Liam said.

"Garrett?" My voice cut off, and my throat felt like it was constricted, and I couldn't get any air. I blinked, hearing three voices say my name, but it sounded like they were miles away instead of right next to me.

I opened my mouth to say something to them, but instead of my voice, dirt came out and spilled onto my hands and the floor around me. Tears filled my eyes as I dropped to my knees, staring at the dirt as more dirt continued to fall from my open mouth. I was trying to scream, but it only caused more dirt to come out. Hands were on me, then I blinked, and suddenly I was alone in a very dark place.

I was stuck in a position on my back, my head turned to the left, and I couldn't move anything but my eyes. I was encased in the earth, buried so far underground I could barely hear anything. I opened them, and it felt like I'd been stabbed with hundreds of tiny little needles as the surrounding earth stung them.

I tried to gasp in a breath, but all I breathed in was dirt. I couldn't breathe, tears stinging my eyes and my lungs building a fire from within. Then it was peaceful as my brain finally left from the pain. It felt like mere seconds later that I was gasping for air again, only to be met by more dirt and more pain. I couldn't move my arms enough to claw my way out of my dirt hole. All I could do was lay there and wait to die again. I didn't remember how many times I'd died already, each more painful than the last as my body seemed to rot away.

Suddenly, instead of gasping in dirt, I was screaming and writhing and crying on the floor of the locker room shower. I was cradled in Stiles' arms, Scott and Liam kneeling next to me with worry covering their features. Well, Scott was just worried because he knew what was going on. But Liam, he looked terrified, and his hand kept moving out like he wanted to touch me, but he was afraid to.

I wasn't aware of how loudly I was gasping for breath as I looked around me. There was no dirt anywhere, not even from when I had spit it up earlier. Had it disappeared?

"I couldn't breathe," I cried, trembling roughly in Stiles' arms. "I couldn't breathe. I was down there for weeks... It was just dirt and-and blackness. So dark... It was Garrett. I remember hearing his voice like it was coming through a pillow. H-He was with someone."

"Who, Y/N? Who was he with?" Stiles asked as I sat up.

"I don't know. All I know is purple." I wiped tears from my face and ran my fingers through my hair with a heavy sigh. My chest still stung like I had held my breath for too long, but it wasn't an unmanageable pain anymore. Liam got that same expression he'd had earlier, so I grumbled, "What now?"

"Garrett's girlfriend's name is Violet," Liam said. I tensed, preparing myself to go into another miserable trance, but it never came.

"Violet and Garrett, huh? So it's them, then," I said. "They're the ones doing this?"

"Don't worry, Y/N. They're not gunna get away with it," Scott promised.

"I know," I replied, standing and wiping myself free from the dirt I knew was only in my imagination. "Because I'm gunna kill them first." Without waiting for their response, I walked out, ignoring their calls.


Scott begged me to let him handle it tonight, and after an hour, I agreed, but it wasn't whole-heartedly. I would still rip their throats out if I got the chance. But I'd let Scott have his way first.

Speaking of, he, Kira, Liam, and Garrett were all sitting on the bench. My eyes were glued to Garrett, feeling anger rise in me like I was Liam.

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