Fireflies Part 3

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As soon as I walked into the hospital, Stiles was pulling me down to the morgue. Melissa was waiting there.

"Look. Look at this." Stiles pulled back the sheets on a guy. "This is the kid Lydia found." His throat looked like it had been sliced or choked with a wire. "He was choked, not slashed. And look here, see this hole? Someone bashed his head in."

"That's not very werewolf-y," I said, crossing my arms and leaning forward to take a closer look.

"Exactly what I said. And see that?" He pointed to another body, but this one was covered. "That's Heather. Same exact wounds. You know what they had in common? Both of them were virgins," Stiles completed.

My eyebrows furrowed as I backed up to look at him. "How do you know that?"

"He was wearing a purity ring, and my dad talked to the guy Heather was with in the basement. He said she told him she wanted to lose her virginity that night." Stiles voice trailed off, then he whipped around to Melissa. "Has anyone else been brought through tonight? Any-any other bodies or anyone even missing?"

"Uh, no. No bodies, but two girls. They brought the first one in, Caitlin, for a tox screen, and then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared," Melissa recounted while Stiles listened patiently. What was he thinking? "I mean, they were out in the woods, and-."

"Wait, the woods? When? Like earlier tonight?" I interrupted.


"I saw her. Cora tried to attack, but we got there first. She was alone," I said, hoping this information would be useful to Stiles.

"Is the first one here, right now?" Stiles asked.

"I think so," Melissa blinked as Stiles became more panicked.

"We gotta talk to her. I think I know what's happening," Stiles said. Melissa nodded and directed us to her room. I went in first, hoping if Caitlin saw a familiar face, she would be more open to talking to us.

I don't know if she remembered me, but she seemed not to care as she stared at her hands, her head bowed in guilt.

"Hi, Caitlin, right? I'm Y/N, from the woods," I quietly said.

"I remember..."

"This is my boyfriend, Stiles. We're trying to figure out what's going on. Do you mind answering some questions?" I asked. She nodded, looking at me but not speaking. I nodded to Stiles.

"Okay, uh, why were you and your girlfriend out there tonight?"

"We weren't doing anything that bad," she said. "I mean, I've camped out there plenty of times."

"Right, but why tonight?" Stiles urged, his arms crossed.

Caitlin mumbled, almost embarrassed, "We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom, and I have three roommates. Not exactly romantic settings, you know?"

"How long have you two been together?" Stiles asked, sounding caring and empathetic.

"Three months."

"And you wanted to make it romantic," I murmured. Caitlin smiled like she was thinking of a happy memory.

"Yeah, you know, because..."

"Because it was her first time," Stiles finished, and Caitlin nodded guiltily, her chin beginning to tremble as she thought about her missing girlfriend.

"They'll find her? She'll be alright?" Caitlin sniffled. None of us said anything and she nodded as if that were all she needed to hear. We left the room and as soon as Melissa closed the door, Stiles pulled me over to the side, giving me a tight hug.

"Stiles, what is it?" I asked, shocked by the suddenness of it.

"Nothing. Just... They were all virgins, they're all gunna have the same three injuries-," Stiles said.

"Wait, three?"

"Yeah, strangled, throat cut, head bashed in. It's called the threefold death."

"That sounds uncomfortably ritualistic," I mumbled, hoping he'd say, 'nope, just a serial killer with a sick M.O.'. Instead, what I got was a look that told me I hit it right on the nose.

"They're human sacrifices," Stiles finally said.

"We should tell Scott," I replied. I got up on my toes and kissed Stiles' cheek before walking away to call Scott and tell him to get his ass here.

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