Unleashed Part 1

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Stiles and I walked down the hall hand-in-hand while we listened to Scott tell us about what happened last night at his job. Some guy brought in his dog named Bullet and the dog had eaten mistletoe or something. Anyway, when Scott went outside, he saw the dog, but not the owner.

"It's like he just disappeared. Left his car, his dog," Scott muttered, shaking his head with confusion.

"Okay. Was he like... Could he maybe have been a virgin? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?" Stiles asked. A part of me wanted to say 'enough with the virgin thing', but the other part of me knew this was important information. I just felt like if Stiles kept on with this whole virgin thing, it'd lead to a conversation I didn't want to have yet.

"No, definitely not," Scott answered, then his voice dropped to a whisper. "Deaton makes me have sex with all his clients. It's a new policy." I laughed, but Stiles frowned, narrowing his eyes over my head at Scott. Scott laughed, too, trying to get Stiles in on the joke, but Stiles remained stone-faced, so Scott sighed. "No, I don't know if he was a virgin."

"Why are you talking like he's already dead?" I said optimistically. "He could just be, you know... H-he's just missing."

"Missing and presumed dead," Stiles corrected. "Because he's probably a virgin, guys! You know who else is a virgin? Me and Y/N." My smile dropped and I stared at the hallway ahead of me, trying to focus on other people's lives instead of mine. "We're virgins, okay? And you know what that means? It means that our lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to our lives. Okay. I need to have sex. Like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like someone needs to sex me right now!"

Scott rose his eyebrows at me, and to avoid that I said, "Why don't you just ask Danny again? I'm sure he'll say yes this time." Scott chuckled, making me feel a little lighter.

"I was thinking someone else. Someone who's also a virgin... Someone who could kill two birds with one stone. Someone like you," Stiles said.

I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out were squeaks and partial words. Stiles narrowed his eyes at me and I finally just said, "Okay, bye." I pulled my hand from his and practically ran down the hall to my class.


I dressed for cross-country practice then met up with Scott and Stiles on the trail. Cross-country was off season for lacrosse and Coach forced his team to do it. But it was something I could do, too, so I was fine with it. Plus, I still need to blow off steam from earlier. I was such an idiot. 'Okay, bye'? Seriously?

I was up near the front doing leg stretches while Isaac tied his shoe. Two guys, twins actually, came up on either side of Isaac. I had to force my eyes not to shift as I recognized the sense of another supernatural. Two of them. I stared at them and they stared at Isaac. Coach blew the whistle and they shot off, already ten feet ahead of everyone else. I narrowed my eyes and ran after them.

By the time I caught up to them, the group was out of sight. I stopped running, sensing them near, but not seeing them. Isaac stopped next to me once he caught up.

"You see them?" I asked, turning to look behind me.

"No," Isaac panted. As soon as he did, one of them rammed into me, sending me flying down the hill. I landed on my hands and feet as Isaac collapsed next to me.

One of them grabbed me, the other working on Isaac.

The one on me grabbed my arm with one hand, the other pinning my face down on the ground. I groaned as I felt the elasticity of my arm being tested.

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