Restraint Part 2

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Mom and Dad stared at me quietly for what felt like hours after I finished telling them everything. I swallowed thickly, unsure how to interpret their reactions.

"You're telling me...your best friend is a werewolf and Jackson is a Kanima...who's killing people?" Dad asked, leaning his elbows onto his spread knees.

"Yeah... But he doesn't know it... So... There's that," I mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Mom asked. I shrugged, staring at my feet.

"I was scared. I thought you'd tell me I couldn't hang out with Scott anymore."

They sighed simultaneously. "You know you're still in trouble, right?" Dad rubbed his mouth.

"I didn't tell you to get out of trouble. I told you so you could understand why I did it," I said.

"Okay. Well... You're grounded. And, um... No Scott or Stiles outside of school, do you understand me?" Dad said sternly.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Go on up to your room." I did as I was told quickly, shutting the door behind me with a sigh. No Stiles or Scott. How was I going to get through the days without seeing them outside of school?

The second I turned around, I jumped back, clutching my chest in panic. Isaac was standing right in front of me waiting. He opened his mouth to speak and I slapped a hand over it, warning him with my eyes to stay quiet. I held up a finger to tell him to wait then turned on my radio so my parents wouldn't hear us.

"Why do you keep showing up here? You can't just do that," I said, crossing my arms.

"Because you keep acting like you're mad at me," Isaac replied sweetly. I dropped my arms, frowning, and went to my dressed to begin pulling out my night clothes.

Behind me, Isaac's body heat made me shiver, then I tried to pretend like I didn't even notice that he was breathing down my neck. His hand found my waist, and his chest was so close to my back that if I even took a deep breath, we'd be touching.

"So. Are you mad at me?" Isaac asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His hot breath was tickling the fine hairs on the shell of my ear. I quickly slid out from him, standing in the middle of my room and watching him. He didn't turn around yet, just angled his head so he could look at me over his shoulder.

I sighed, "Look, it's been a good 48 hours with less than 5 hours-." Isaac turned to face me, a small smirk on his lips. "-of sleep for me, so I'm really not in the mood to ta-..." My words ended in a sigh as Isaac tore off his shirt. "What are you doing?" I backed up as he advanced towards me. My back hit the wall. He stopped a few inches in front of me. He was so tall that he had to angle his head down to look at me; even further still to look at my hands, which he was really focused on.

Isaac reached out, gently taking my left hand in his right. His long (shorter, but thicker than Stiles') fingers played with mine softly. My breath seemed to get lost somewhere in my throat.

"I like you, Y/N. And I don't want you mad at me. Ever." Isaac leaned in, and I gulped right before his lips touched mine.

At first, I was shocked. He just told me the thing I needed to hear without me prompting him to; it was like he was reading my mind, my body, my heart. Like he knew what I wanted from him even before I did. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, pulling me to him to deepen the kiss. His lips parted and his tongue swiped over my lip. I immediately opened my lips and wrapped them around his tongue, sucking gently.

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