Silverfinger Part 2

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I was awoken by the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. I fished it out, desperately hoping I wouldn't wake him, and answered the call from Kira.

"Hey, it's me, Kira. Can you meet us at Scott's house? We found something," she said. I looked up at Stiles, debating. He was asleep. Surely, he wouldn't notice if I left. He'd had too much sedative to notice.

"Um, okay. Give five minutes," I responded. I eased myself out of his arms, only pausing once when he moaned in protest. Finally, I stood away from him, looking around for a pen and a paper. I scribbled a quick note telling him I was at Scott's and I loved him, then I set the keys to his jeep right on top on his bedside table so he'd be sure to see it.

Gently, I placed a kiss to his forehead, gazed at his sleeping face for a second longer, then snuck out of the dark room.

I made it to Scott's in record time. That was mostly because I was too busy worrying about Stiles to realize how fast I was running, but I needed the run, so it was fine. What wasn't fine was the fact that McCall was standing in front of Scott and Kira, his laptop open for them to see.

"Y/N," McCall grumbled unhappily.

"Mr. McCall," I replied, equally as unenthused. I looked at the laptop to see a candid picture of Scott and Kira. Oh, damn. That must've been from when they broke in to erase the pictures. Kira did say they had to charge her phone. Maybe they used his laptop to do it. Whoops.

"Agent," he corrected sourly. All I did was hum in response. No way in hell was I going to call him Agent. He was one, but in my opinion, he didn't deserve the title. Not after what he did to Scott and Melissa.

Scott must've been 10 years old, and Mr. McCall had come home after a night of alcohol and sex with his mistress, and he and Melissa fought. Then Scott 'accidentally' fell down the stairs, hitting his head on the floor so hard that the dent was still visible in the hard wood today. I don't know if Scott remembered, but I could never forget it. I had been playing with Scott that night. Melissa begged me not to tell him, so for Scott's sake, I kept quiet. I was glad I did, though. Melissa kicked him out that night.

"Dad, let me help you out. You need to leave," Scott said. Something in his voice sounded like he was scared McCall might get hurt if he stayed. Was something happening that I wasn't aware of?

"I will. With a satisfactory explanation," McCall answered bluntly.

"Go get a warrant," I spat, earning an 'I really don't like you' look from him.

"I don't need a warrant. I'm his father," he retorted, his voice raising at me. Before I could argue, Scott jumped in.

"No," Scott said, surprising me that he was on my side about this. "You're a gene donor. I got my hair color from you. And that's all I got. So you're not allowed to play tough dad with me." Melissa walked in the door behind McCall, curiosity written on her face. McCall frowned angrily at Scott.

"Hey, what's going on?" Melissa asked.

"Maybe one of you should explain," McCall replied, looking at Scott and Kira. The room darkened as the sun sank in the sky. Kira mumbled Scott's name, looking nervously out the window.

"Who the hell is this?" McCall asked, reaching for his gun as he stared behind us. I looked back to see one of the black figures standing in the living room. McCall started to walk to it, earning protests from Scott.

"Mr. McCall, you sh-." I was cut off by the sight of a Black plunging a sword deep into McCall's left shoulder. Kira screamed as the Black ripped the sword out, and McCall fell to the floor, blood staining his white dress shirt. Melissa ran to him, falling on her knees.

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