Parishable Part 3

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Stiles called an hour later, telling me to meet him and Lydia at the Sheriff's station. I wasn't opposed to it because I really didn't feel like going to school today anyway.

So now I was here, listening to Stiles tell me Lydia cracked the code for the third part of the list. I didn't tell them about the changes made to the list even though I probably should've. I mean, it was important information, right? Apparently, not important enough for my brain to want to tell them.

I don't know, maybe I thought I was protecting Liam somehow. A scary thought told me that there was probably nothing I wouldn't do to protect him, and yet again, I wondered why.

Lydia and I were leaned over Parrish's shoulder while he searched the names on the list in the police database, and Stiles paced slowly behind us, waiting impatiently.

"Well, it's not another dead pool," Parrish sighed, the clacking of his keyboard stopping. I chewed on my thumbnail, nervously jittering on my feet. "More like an already dead pool." Stiles stopped pacing to lean down on my left, his body close to mine. I wondered if he felt the same shooting sparks that I felt, or if that was just gone for him.

"All of them? All dead?" Lydia asked.

Parrish nodded. "Within the last 10 years. All suicides and all at the same place."

"Eichen House," I muttered, reading the name everywhere on the death certificates. I didn't realize Stiles and I had said it at the same time because I was distracted by the way his arm was touching mine. It was a completely innocent touch that I was probably making more out of than I should be, but I couldn't help it.

"Well, obviously, we have to go there," Lydia said.

"Woah, 'obviously'? What do you mean obviously?" I replied, hoping she'd understand that I thought it was a bad idea.

"Well, they'll have records."

"Lydia, Eichen House isn't a library," Stiles said, to which I nodded. "You need a warrant to get files from there."

"My grandmother left me a list of 10 suicides, including her own. There's gotta be a reason why." We were all whispering now, hoping to keep everyone out of the conversation who was supposed to be kept out. We, or at least I, couldn't afford anymore people overhearing about this kind of stuff. Especially, not with Liam being so high on the list now. There was no telling who would become a killer. Everyone had a price.

"Well, then... Maybe there's someone who's willing to help you," I suggested, though I hated the idea of them going into Eichen House alone and unprotected. I didn't know whether the bad feeling in my stomach related to this or to Liam, but I knew one way or the other, something was going to go wrong tonight. I could only hope Scott was looking after Liam at the bonfire.

Stiles rolled his eyes as he thought of something. "No. But there might be someone willing to take a bribe."

"If you say Brunski, I might hit you," I frowned. Stiles pursed his lips, keeping his mouth firmly closed. It was his way of telling me, yes, he meant Brunski. "Unbelievable."


"I don't know, Parrish," I muttered, my arms crossed as I paced the ground in front of him. I couldn't stay still, the gnawing in my stomach growing the more time passed. "I should've gone with them."

"If you had gone with them, it would've been suspicious," Parrish repeated for the umpteenth time. I just shook my head, not verbally acknowledging him. Somehow, stupid Stiles convinced me to let him and Lydia go alone, but I was quickly regretting that decision.

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