Galvanize Part 1

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Stiles grumbled on the phone with Scott, telling him to get down here for the job. It was a yearly event, sort of a personal joke between ourselves and Coach. And the entire school. Good thing they never locked the locker rooms. You'd think they'd learn by now.

"But it's the middle of the night," Scott grumbled as Stiles opened his locker.

"12:15, actually," Stiles answered.

"Which means it's after midnight, and officially Mischief Night," I said.

"Slash day," Stiles completed. Stiles whirred a power drill from inside his locker to make sure it worked. "And, by perfectly awesome coincidence, it also happens to be Coach's birthday. So if you are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you. And I mean, five, four, three, two-." Stiles turned around to see Scott standing behind him in shadow, his eyes glowing red. Stiles screamed and flailed back against the lockers, his tools clattering to the ground as he fell.

"One," Scott smiled.

"I hate you both," Stiles immediately replied.

"Wha-? What did I do?" I complained.

"You knew he was there," Stiles grumbled, standing up from the floor.

"Yeah, I knew," I laughed. Scott and I smiled at each other, fist-bumping as Stiles made a point of smoothing out his clothes.

After one final huff from Stiles, we set to work removing every last screw from everything in Coach's office. If we did it right, the only thing that'd be holding it all up would be a string that, when even slightly pulled, would cause everything to come crashing down.

And because it was Coach's birthday, we left every screw in a small gift box, aligning it just so on his desk. Perfect.

Stiles and I gave each other annoyed looks when we saw Ethan and Aiden stopping Scott in front of the school.

"You're back at school?" Scott asked.

"No, just to talk," Ethan replied.

"Ah, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually you're just hurting, maiming, and killing," Stiles snarked as we came up next to Scott.

"I think there's a few bones left in my body that you haven't broken. Care to go for a record?" I quipped. They ignored us and looked at Scott.

"You need a pack. We need an alpha," Aiden said.

"Yeahhh..." Stiles mumbled, narrowing his eyes at them. "Absolutely not. That's hilarious, though."

"You came to us for help. We helped," Ethan defended.

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp and broke my girlfriend's back," Stiles replied. "That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counter-productive."

"Your answer to everything is to fight. Our answer is to solve. You don't belong with them," I said seriously, crossing my arms. The twins furrowed their eyebrows at me in question.

"Us," Stiles corrected, which I sighed at.

"Whatever, Stiles."

"Why would I say yes?" Scott asked as though he was genuinely curious.

"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no," Aiden said. His whole 'I'm a good guy now' thing was tripping me up. Stiles rolled his eyes dramatically.

"I can think of one," Isaac joined as he walked up. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd." Stiles looked like he wanted to glare at Isaac, but he didn't have a reason to. "In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now."

Aiden's fangs slid out, his eyes turning a cold blue as he smirked and growled at Isaac. "You wanna try?" Isaac took one step before Scott grabbed his wrist, staring at him seriously. Isaac stepped back, smiling with embarrassment.

"Sorry, but they don't trust you," Scott said. "And neither do I." They stepped to the side as Scott passed them, and I glared at them as I followed.

The second we walked into school, Stiles dodged a toilet paper roll bullet. "Alright, that's my face!" he complained, then pat Scott's chest. "Hey, dude, good decision, buddy. Good alpha decision."

"Seconded," I said.

"And you, Y/N, why won't you just admit you're in the pack?"

"Because I'm not! I'm not a pack animal, Stiles, we've gone over this," I said exasperatedly.

Stiles started to argue, but Scott, with a smirk on his face, said, "Hey. Let it be. She can think what she wants." I groaned dramatically and rolled my eyes. They just didn't get it.

Stiles opened his locker and Scott stared off at Kira, who was at her locker across the hall.

"Just go ask her out already," I said. Stiles looked around before pulling out a batch of confetti eggs from his backpack and hiding them in his locker.

"Now? Right now?" Scott blurted, his eyes widening. Stiles shut his locker, bumping his fist against it once before beginning to walk.

"Right now," Stiles replied. "Scott, I don't think you get it yet. You're an alpha. Okay, you are the apex predator. Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that everyone wants." We stopped to face him and Isaac came up on the other side of me.

Scott, who'd been listening intently, looked up with surprise. "I'm the hot girl?"

"You are the hottest girl, Scott," I agreed. Stiles fist-bumped his chest, nodded, then took my hand as we walked away, leaving Scott smiling proudly.

In Coach's class, we waited in the first rows for Coach to start. I was sitting between Scott and Stiles, anxiously bouncing my knee, and listening to Coach in his office.

I heard everything fall, then once more as his chair broke underneath him.

"Son of a bitch!" Coach screamed. Stiles and I grinned at each other as the class giggled. Our smiles died when Coach walked out of his office, slamming the door closed as he glared at the class.

"Mischief Night, Devil's Night. I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil," Coach insulted. I giggled quietly at the proud smile on Stiles' face. "You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle!" Scott, Stiles, and I broke into quiet laughter, which agitated Coach enough that he slammed his palm down on my desk. "Mine's a freaking omelet!"

He turned, his eye catching on a small gift box on his desk with a card perched against it. He picked it up like it was infected. "Oh, this? We're gunna do this again?" I shared confused looks with Scott and Stiles. That hadn't been one of ours. "I don't think so." Coach dropped it on the floor then stomped on it with a proud smirk. The glass inside of it shattered.

He looked down at it as he frowned. Bending, he picked up a piece of a mug that had his photo on it with the words '#1 Coach' printed underneath. He sighed and opened the letter.

"'Happy birthday. Love, Greenberg'." Coach looked over at Greenberg with distaste.

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