Orphaned Part 3

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With nothing to do and nowhere to go, I found myself knocking on Kira's door. She opened the door, and my anxiety practically dimmed the lights in her house.

"Y/N, are you okay?" she asked worriedly, opening her door for me to come in. I stepped inside, my shoulders sagging.

"Yeah, just... There's so much going on right now, and it's overwhelming. I just needed some girlfriend time," I admitted. She seemed pleased that she was the one I came to. I followed her to her room and slumped down on her bed.

"You want to talk about it?" she asked.

"If I told you all of it, we'd be here for hours."

"Then give me the short version. What's bothering you?"

I shot into the 'short' version, obviously leaving out my homelessness, my starvation, my poverty. I told her about how Scott was pushing me away, I told her about how I was pushing Stiles away, I told her about my feelings for him conflicting with my feelings for Malia.

While I loved Stiles, I had a friendship with Malia at one point that I kind of missed. I found myself stuck between wanting to be his girlfriend and wanting to be her friend. After all, Stiles had been right. Out of all the girls in the pack, I was most like her. We were similar in a lot of ways, but drastically different in others. For example, she had Stiles. I did not, and lately it seemed like I didn't even have his friendship. But that was probably mostly my fault.

I knew I was nearing on something big, a feeling deep in my gut told me so.

"I don't know, Kira... I just feel like something's coming. Like... Everything is about to blow up in my face," I finished with a sigh. She reached out cautiously, resting her hand on my shoulder. When I didn't shove her off, she slid her hand across so her arm was around me, and I laid my head on her shoulder, letting the feeling of impending doom sink into my stomach.

"Everything's going to be fine, Y/N/N. I promise. Scott loves you, and I doubt he's pushing you away. Maybe he just knew you weren't up to fighting so soon after your death. Maybe he's just trying to protect you. And Stiles? He's..." I lifted my head to look at her, hoping she'd give me some words that would inspire an epiphany of what I should do. "Well, he's one of your best friends. Even though you're not together, he still cares about you."

"I know... You're probably right. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing. But what do I do about the fact that I'm still in love with him?" I copied her movement, turning to face her sitting crisscross on her bed.

"I think you should keep it to yourself." I frowned even though I knew she was right. "Malia's our friend, you know? You shouldn't interfere. Let it play out naturally. If it was meant to be between them, then your one is still out there. If it wasn't, then... Well, maybe you can give it another go. But for now, he's not yours to take."

I stared at my fingers, playing with the tips of them in my lap as I blinked a few times. I hated hearing her say it, but I couldn't be angry with her for it. She was a good friend for telling me the truth.

"You're right..." I sighed, shaking my head at myself. More confidently, I said, "Yeah, no, you're totally right." My friend's happiness was more important than my own, and if her happiness took mine, I could deal with that. Friends and family come first, always. I sat up a little straighter, looking a little stronger, though I certainly didn't feel it. "I'll keep it to myself."

Kira smiled apologetically at me, her eyes telling me she knew it was hard, and she respected and admired me for doing it. I glanced out the window, shocked when I saw it was dark out. How long had I been here? Kira was looking a little tired.

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