S4 Dark Moon Part 1

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Stiles and Lydia were somewhere trying to find the people who took Derek. As part of the plan, Malia, Kira, Scott, and I were packed into the club owned by them. Malia and I danced to the music thumping through my ears while Kira sat at a booth. Scott was somewhere, but I was too distracted to bother finding out where.

I had some worry for Stiles, considering he was carrying 50,000 dollars cash on him from the Japanese mafia for the release of Derek Hale, but I believed he could take care of himself. Hopefully.

I had the fun job—dancing and keeping an eye on the place. There were large men standing atop the balconies, watching over everyone. Malia was cool, though I didn't see how Stiles thought we were anything alike. He walked in with Lydia and his eyes found mine. I smirked as him and leaned into Malia, letting our bodies move as one with the beat. I could almost taste his arousal as he shot me a look that promised me a later.

He and Lydia went to the bar while I kept dancing. A little while later, my eyes were jumping around to see each guard looking around and talking on their walkies. Malia and I shared a knowing look, then Kira ran up to us.

"Something's happening," she said worriedly. I didn't stop dancing, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.

"We know," Malia said.

Kira's eyes jumped from the two of us with confusion. "Okay, so what do we do?"

"Blend in," I replied. She stared at us for a moment before she glanced around nervously and started twitching. No, wait, she was dancing. Wait, was that dancing? She looked like Baby from Dirty Dancing the first night with the watermelon. It was honestly really hard to watch.

I fought back a smile while Malia eyed her and bit down on her finger to keep from laughing. Kira looked as us in question and I looked at Malia. We gave each other a nod then simultaneously put a hand on Kira's hips, dragging her into our little circle. Kira seemed confused, then her lips spread into a slow smile as we let our bodies slide against hers.

One of Kira's arms went around my neck as I swayed my hips. I smiled at her when she got the hang of it, copying my movements. I ran my hand through my hair, my thoughts running off to Stiles. If he were here to see this...

The three of our bodies were one as we danced and slid against each other. If I hadn't been with Stiles, I might've let myself kiss them. I almost forgot about the danger of the prowling guards, but luckily, their eyes seemed to pass us by. However, we did catch the attention of a few men who enjoyed watching us grind against each other. People closed in around us, dancing like we were and concealing us from view. It didn't keep us from being able to watch, though.

Kira's dancing halted when she looked behind me. I turned to see a mountain of an angry guy walking towards us. He had a gun in his hand and a scowl on his face. Behind Kira, a girl wearing the same expression stood, and then another behind Malia, successfully closing us into danger. I smiled at the girls, mentally telling them it was go time.

Kira turned with her nun chucks, Malia and I with our claws. The guy behind me glared and lifted his gun. I pushed his arm away and slammed my arm into the side of his head. I bent, wrapping my arms around his waist, and I threw him over my shoulder so he landed on his back behind be with a grunt.

He tried to sit up, but I punched him in the face, knocking him out. I looked back to see Kira's girl fall as the nun chuck made impact with her face. Ouch. Malia debilitated her guy and we all nodded at each other.

We found Scott and he led us down the hallway that would (hopefully) lead to Stiles and Lydia. The music had been so loud that now in this impossibly quiet hallway, I felt like I'd gone deaf. We walked through a door, all of us stepping quietly like mice.

A white smoke sprayed out from the walls, and Scott made us stop walking. He hesitantly took a step forward, and that's when I sneezed. Crap. Wolfsbane. Two more powerful streams of white smoke sprayed from above our heads, encasing us in smoke. My eyes watered and my nose started to run. The only one of us who wasn't affected at all was Kira.

Scott yelled for her to get out as he coughed, but she was blocked by an incoming guard. She tried to fight him with her nun chucks, but he dodged them. She grunted as he slammed the butt of something heavy into her head. I yelled as I jumped at him, kicking him in the stomach. He groaned and as I went to hit him, he grabbed my wrist and twisted me so my back was to his chest.

"Don't worry," he said in a thick Mexican accent. "I got something for you, too." He slammed his hand over my mouth and I felt some powder enter my mouth and nose. I recognized the taste and sting of it almost instantly and struggled to spit it out. Unfortunately, cyclamen works fast, and I was falling limp in his arms as my vision went blurry.

Scott panicked as we walked into the animal clinic. He was freaking out because Derek hadn't answered his messages in weeks, and none of us had seen him since then either. Or Isaac, but that was mostly his choice. He moved to France after Allison's death.

"Has Derek ever returned your texts?" Stiles asked while Scott opened a cabinet. He grabbed a metal cylindrical container then came back to stand next to Lydia.

"Once. Definitely once," Scott replied, setting the container on the table. "But this time it felt different. So I went to the loft. The alarm was on. Everything looked okay. But then I found these." Scott took off the cap and slid the container to me and Stiles.

Inside were a hundred bullet casings made of something bronze. Stiles pulled one out, and on it was an engraving of a skull. That looked completely harmless.

"So I sent a picture to Deaton," Scott continued while Stiles and I squinted at the bullet casing. "He said it's the mark of a family of hunters based out of Mexico. The Calaveras."

"What would they want with Derek?" I asked. It's not like Derek was a particular joy to be around. And he wasn't an alpha anymore, so he was kind of useless to them.

"You don't think they killed him, do you?" Stiles asked me as Scott shrugged in response to my question.

"I don't know," I replied with a sigh.

"That's why you're here," Scott said to Lydia, who'd been quiet until now. She frowned with a sigh and dragged the container to her. She closed her eyes, letting her fingertips skim around the edges before her hand dove into the container.

She held maybe 10 casings in her hand, fondling them gently, then she cocked her head and let the casings drop onto the metal table. I heard a metallic clink from each one, but I was sure she was hearing something more. She opened her eyes and stared off to the side.

"What? Is he dead?" Stiles asked.

"No..." she replied. "But I'm not sure he's alive either." I pursed my lips and furrowed my eyebrows at the sentence.

"What does that mean?" Scott asked, shaking his head.

"I don't know. There's something not right. I just... I don't know," she whispered.

Stiles, who was leaning down onto his elbows, said, "So if the Calaveras have him, how do we find them?"

"We could, uh... We could go to Mexico?" Even though it was my idea, I wasn't actually considering it since it was a pretty bad one, but Scott's eyes widened and he picked up a bullet to stare at the skull.

"Mexico," he said firmly. Great. What had I done?

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