Night School Part 3

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We ran until we were sure we could take a breather.

Through the school, I heard footsteps—multiple ones—and also someone peeing.

"Guys... Someone's in the school," I whispered, cocking my head to listen.

"Yeah, Y/N, it's called an Alpha," Stiles snarked.

"No, no, I mean, someone else." I closed my eyes, focusing on hearing heartbeats. I counted two near me, Scott and Stiles, and four somewhere in the school, one belonging to an animal. "No, there's three other people in this school right now."

"Who are they? Where are they?" Scott asked panicked. A phone started ringing, then Scott heard it too, so we must have been close to someone. "I know that ring. That's Allison's phone."

"That makes sense, considering I hear Lydia and Jackson talking," I said. "Come on, we gotta find them."

Scott took Stiles phone and called Allison. She kept giving him evasive answers as to where she was, only giving the location after he asked three times. He told her to meet him in the lobby, and she hung up while we ran to the lobby. We got there just as she did.

"Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott asked. She looked scared and confused.

"Because you asked me to."

"I asked you to?" Allison lifted her phone, showing the text saying Scott told her to meet her at the high school.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this text message?" Allison said.

"Because I didn't."

"Okay, did you drive here?" Stiles asked as if he were frustrated at how the conversation was going.

"Jackson did. What's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison's phone rang and she answered it. "Where are you?" The door opened and Lydia and Jackson walked in. Lydia and Allison put their phones away and Allison sighed.

"Finally," Lydia said. Jackson glared at me, but I pretended he wasn't there. "Can we go now?"

"Please," I mumbled, having been here for too long already. In fact, I didn't ever want to come back here again. We started to walk towards the exit, but there was a loud thud over our heads as something heavy walked across the ceiling above.

Scott yelled run and we all hustled up the stairs as Alpha crashed down through yet another ceiling. The damage repair costs on this were going to be a mother.

He growled at us as he chased us down the hallway and I saw Stiles start to fall. I grabbed his shirt, tugging him up with me as I ran, letting him go once he could run on his own again. We went through some double doors and instantly started blocking the doorway.

Stiles yelled to get our attention but nobody stopped, not even me. We stacked all the chairs against the door, then shoved some desks over too for good measure.

As we were stacking up one of the last chairs against the entry, Stiles yelled hello, making us all stop and turn around.

"Okay. Nice work. Really beautiful job everyone. Now. What should we do about the 20-foot wall of windows?" Stiles turned and spread his arms to gesture to the windows lining the wall, nearly top to bottom.

I groaned and laid down on the floor, shaking my head. "Okay, I give up. I'm done, finished. Remember when I said this is as bad as it gets?" Stiles nodded at me. "I changed my mind. This is as bad as it gets."

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on because I'm freaking out here. And I would really like to know why," Allison begged, latching onto Scott's arm. Lydia was latched onto Jackson, and I was latched onto the floor.

Scott walked away and put his hand to his head like he was thinking. How would he explain this? Stiles and I stared at Scott, waiting to follow his lead. When he didn't lead, I did.

"Somebody killed the janitor," I mumbled, and all eyes fell to me, lying spread-eagle on the cold floor. I sighed and lifted one arm straight up. Stiles, not unfamiliar with this reaction, walked over and took my hand, pulling me up from the floor.

"What's she talking about? Is this a joke?" Allison laughed nervously to Scott's back.

"Who killed him?" Jackson asked.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. This-this was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed-," Lydia started.

"No, don't you get it? There was no mountain lion," Jackson spat.

"Who was it? What does he want?" Allison asked Scott, who still hadn't looked over. "Scott!"

"I-I-I don't know. I just-. If we go out there he's gunna kill us," Scott replied.

"Us? He's gunna kill us?" Lydia said.

"Who? Who? Is? It?" Allison asked, looking over to me and Stiles since she wasn't getting anything from Scott. Stiles froze and I gaped at her, unsure of what to say. Luckily, Scott saved me from having to answer.

"It's Derek," he said. I turned my gape to him. Just gunna throw him under the bus like that?

"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson asked as if he didn't believe it.

"All of them. Starting with his own sister. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us," Scott lied. I licked my lips and pursed them to keep from blowing Scott's lie. I suppose it was better than the truth. Maybe. "If we don't get out now, he's gunna kill us, too."

"Call the cops," Jackson said.

"No," Stiles replied.

"What do you mean, no?" Jackson said, even angrier.

"I mean, no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No." Stiles said the last no with an accent, glaring at Jackson.

Before Jackson could blow up on him, I said, "Look, Derek killed three people. We don't know what he's armed with."

To Stiles, Jackson insisted, "Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's department. Call him."

Lydia pulled out her phone, saying she was going to call. Stiles tried to follow her, telling her to hold on and Jackson grabbed him, pushing him back. On instinct, I grabbed Jackson's hand and twisted his arm backwards as far as it would go without breaking, staring him dead in the eyes as a warning. Don't touch Stiles.

Jackson groaned in pain and I released his arm, pushing him back gently so he wasn't near Stiles. I stood between him and Stiles as Lydia stopped mid-sentence.

"She hung up on me," Lydia said.

"The police hung up on you?" Allison asked shocked.

"She said they got a tip warning them that there were gunna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again they were gunna trace it and have me arrested."

"Call again, then. At least if they trace it, they'll come," I told her.

"No, they won't trace a call," Stiles corrected, shaking his head. "And they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here."

"Why is Derek trying to kill us? Why does he want to kill anyone?" Allison mumbled, and we all looked over to Scott. Me and Stiles because this was his lie to figure out, and the others because... Actually, I didn't know why they automatically looked at him, but they did.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Scott blurted.

"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia asked.

"No. I mean... I-I don't know."

"Is he the one that called the police?"

"I don't know!" Scott yelled. Allison looked like she was about to cry at being shouted at and turned her back to him.

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