Letharia Vulpina Part 1

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"Stiles?" I whispered, my voice weak as I watched him. A part of me hoped that even though I knew he wasn't Stiles, Stiles' urge to protect me would force its way through. Nogitsune smiled wider, though it wasn't a real smile. It was the smile of evil, the smile of chaos, the smile of a demon.

"Call me Void," he chuckled.

I turned and started to walk away, watching him over my shoulder. His smile became a grin like he was about to chase me, so I started to run.

"Scott!" I yelled, hoping he would hear me from wherever he was. "Sco-!" A hand clamped over my mouth and shoved me back into a firm chest. It was Stiles' chest, but it was Void's hand, and it was his lips by my ear, whispering to me.

"You," he hummed, letting his parted lips rub gently on the shell of my ear. They were dry and cracked, yet my body still reacted to them because they were his. "You're trembling. Don't worry, kitten. I won't hurt you. Never you." I mumbled unhappily into his hand, and he removed it. "What was that?"

"I said," I spat. "Don't call me kitten." I stomped on his toes with my heel and elbowed him in the ribs. Stiles would forgive me for that...hopefully. Void hissed as he stepped back, his arms falling from me. I started running, but it was like he could vanish and appear in seconds flat because his body trapped mine again.

I struggled as he laughed with enjoyment, toying with me as a cat would a mouse. He walked forward until my chest pressed firmly against the wall, his chest squishing against my back. I couldn't control my body's desire for Stiles', but I tried my best. My lips knotted with anger as I felt every bit of his entire body against mine. He peppered light kisses to the space just below my ear.

"I've been watching you," he said, making me freeze.

"Watching me?"

"Mhm," he hummed. I had to pause to make sure I heard him right. Did he just say that? "Why do you think I chose this body, Y/N? You really think it's because Stiles was an opportune choice? I chose him for you, kitten."

"Why?" I whispered, a queasy feeling starting in my gut.

"You'll find out soon enough." His hands ventured down my body as he pressed his dry lips to my neck. I gasped quietly, trying not to let my body react to Stiles'. He chuckled, and then without another word, his body was gone. I stepped away from the wall, looking this way and that, but Void was gone, and I was left alone in the empty hallway with a strong feeling of nausea creeping up my throat.


I didn't want to get up from my bed, but I knew I had to. I'd been in the same position all night without a wink of sleep. My mind was too busy thinking up horrid scenarios of Void's words to me.

'I chose him for you.'

What did he want with me? It'd been two days since Stiles and his jeep went missing, two days since I'd slept, two days since I'd gotten out of bed. This time it wasn't my worry for Stiles hindering me, it was my worry for myself.

Isaac was in the hospital. He'd been pretty badly electrocuted by a cut wire at the hospital after Void got out. I wasn't sure exactly how it happened, but things got out of hand. Multiple people were fried, and Kira saved everyone by grabbed the wire and sucking out the electricity.

I hadn't even gone to see him, though I kept telling myself that I should. He was my friend and I should be there. Yet I couldn't move.

My mom knocked once before walking in and sitting on the edge of my bed. She smoothed my hair down.

"You have to go to school today," she said kindly.

"I can't..."

"You've missed too much already. I know you're worried, but you have to keep going. You have to be a leader."

I groaned, but forced myself up out of bed. She smiled at me and walked out after kissing my forehead. Not caring how I looked, I threw on whatever I could find and slumped my way to school.

Kira pulled me and Scott to the side so we wouldn't go into class—thankfully. I probably wasn't going to go anyway—and once the halls cleared, the words flew from her mouth.

"The thing is, in all of the stories, kitsune are tricksters. They're mischievous. They don't really get caught up in right or wrong, or even understand it," she explained. That makes sense. I still hadn't told anybody about what Void said to me, and I didn't plan on it. It would forget or wear itself out of me eventually... I hope.

"What's that mean? It's just doing it for the hell of it?" Scott asked.

"No, there was something else I found. If you somehow offend a nogitsune, it can react pretty badly," Kira said. I stopped walking, and they stopped, too.

"How do you offend a nogitsune?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper.

"I don't know. But if it's doing something this bad, then someone really, really offended it."

"I have to go. I-I'll see you guys later." I hustled away, running down to the girls' locker room. What if I was the one who offended the nogitsune? Did that mean all of this was my fault?

I stayed in the empty locker room until it was time to get ready for cross-country practice, which meant I had skipped almost the entire day of classes. What was my life becoming?

Coach blew his whistle, and I was positive he had just finished giving this same speech to the boys because he seemed less thrilled to be saying it.

"Listen up! Anybody catches the slightest glimpse of Stilinski, you contact the first available teacher. Got it? That means you, Y/L/N." Coach pointed at me with his pen. Mentally, I was saying that was the last thing I'd do, but physically, I nodded.

"Got it, Coach," I said. Oddly enough, I was eager for practice where I could just run and be alone for a while.

"There's a card on my desk for Isaac Lahey, and every one of you losers is not only going to sign it, you're going to write a personal message so profound and deep, it's gunna bring a tear to Coach's eye. Who's first?"

I hopped up quickly, taking the pen from his hand and crouching down in front of his desk.

I haven't left you to the wolves yet. I'm not starting now. See you when you wake.

I added a pretty signature and handed the pen back to Coach. He didn't understand the note, but Isaac would. I snuck into the boys' locker room to find Scott talking with Ethan and Aiden.

"No Stiles, no demonic ninjas. Things are getting too quiet," Ethan said lowly.

"Yeah, I know," Scott replied.

"It's making me nervous, too," I agreed, nodding my head and crossing my arms. I hissed as the familiar metallic frequency shot through my ears. It didn't hurt nearly as bad for them... Lucky dogs.

"Do you guys hear that?" Aiden asked.

"It's an emitter," I groaned, covering my ears with my hands.

"One of Argent's," Scott mumbled, mostly to himself. Of course, we had to follow the sound, but that didn't mean I was okay with it.

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