Insatiable Part 2

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Stiles fell asleep on the couch in his house with me in his arms. It was like we were back in Eichen House basement cuddling each other. He suddenly gasped, startling me awake and he jumped up, causing me to fall onto the floor. I immediately jumped up, grabbing him so he'd come back to reality.

"Stiles? Baby, are you okay?" I asked.

"What happened? How long was I out?"

"A couple hours." I saw the fear in his eyes and wondered what he'd been dreaming out.

"Where's my dad?"

"At Eichen House questioning everyone and looking for Meredith. She got out last night." I sat next to him on the couch, holding his hand so he could keep a grasp on what was real. "I told him I wouldn't leave you alone."

"Okay. What about the others?" Stiles ran his fingers through his hair, and there was a bit of sweat on his brow.

"Uh, Scott, Allison, Isaac, and the Twins are looking for Lydia."

Stiles panted, shaking his head with frustration. "It's starting to feel like we're waiting for a ransom call." He let go of me to shrug on his jacket.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I don't know why. I just can't seem to get w-warm," Stiles shivered.

"Okay. No worries. I'll, um... I-I'll get a fire going, okay? Just take it easy." A taste filled my mouth that I knew all too well and I stared at him. "You're in pain."

"It's not that bad. It's more like a dull ache."


"Sort of everywhere," he replied, frowning. I tried to take his hand again, but he jerked away, clasping his hands in front of his mouth.

"Stiles, you're freezing." Worry filled my body as I watched Stiles shake almost as bad as I had. The taste in my mouth got stronger, and I sighed. "How much does it really hurt?"

"It doesn't matter. You can't do anything about it anyway," he said. I don't think intended to make it sound as mean as it did, but it still made me pause for a moment. He was right. I didn't know how to take away pain. I meant to learn, but always got distracted.

Stiles noticed my silence and placed his hand over mine. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"It's okay... You're right. I can't help you at all."

"You can. You do. I'm sorry." He turned my cheek so I would see the sincerity in his eyes. Even though his hands were freezing, I was still feeling the warming effects of him. I nodded and he softly kissed me. I pulled away as my phone buzzed.

"It's Scott," I said, reading the message. "They found Meredith at the school. Think you're strong enough to go?" He nodded and I picked up the keys, then we headed out the door.


I heard Meredith talking down in the music room, so I led Stiles there. She was talking to someone, but it took me a minute to recognize the voice as Brunski. He was threatening to use his taser on her.

"Come on, Stiles, a little faster," I hummed, a grip on his hand. If I had a hold of him, he couldn't do anything stupid. Or get hurt, which was the main reason. He actually kept up pretty well, and we ran in right after Scott and Kira did.

Brunski was on the floor and Coach was standing over him with a proud smile and a taser in his hand. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Coach just tased Brunski. Meredith teetered on her feet by the piano, staring down at a seizing Brunski. Meredith was a tall, thin girl, with light mocha skin. Her eyes bugged out of her skull, and not because of Brunski. I think she just naturally looked that way. She had a light brown afro sitting short on the top of her head.

"Well?" Coach said. "Get her out of here."

"Coach, I've never respected you more," I told him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me, then after a second it dropped as he realized what I just said. I was already out the door with the others and Meredith before he could get too mad at me.

I finally let Stiles drive, but it was mostly because it was instinct for me to run to the passenger side. Scott and Meredith sat in the back as climbed in. Kira stayed behind to do some damage control. Stiles and I turned to look at Meredith.

"Okay, where's Lydia?" Stiles asked. Meredith looked between the three of us, worry in her large eyes.

"Who's Lydia?" she asked. Okay, so maybe it wasn't worry that was in her eyes. It was confusion. Stiles and I stared at each other with 'is she freaking serious' faces.

"Okay... 'Who's Lydia', that's great. This is perfect," I mumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Alright, um, maybe she just needs to listen. Where can we take her to do her Banshee thing? My mom is at my place, so that's out."

"Take her to mine. No one's home," Scott said. Stiles nodded and we turned to face the front again as he started the jeep. He was still pale and the red bags still lingered under his eyes.

When we got to Scott's and ran inside, I jerked to a stop when I saw McCall standing there with Isaac, who was sitting on the back of the couch.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," McCall replied. Just because he saved Sheriff's job didn't mean I liked him again, but I hated him a little less. He was in his usual monkey-suit get-up with his hands stuffed in his pockets disapprovingly.

"Free period," I answered. Lies.

Stiles nodded to back me up. "Yep, we're doing a group study."

McCall nodded suspiciously and squinted at Meredith. "Who's she?"

"Uh... My... My second cousin. Jamie. Yeah, she's uh. Sh-she's in town...for the week," I struggled. McCall stared at me, and I looked over to see Meredith staring at Isaac.

"You're my type," she said. My mouth dropped open at her forwardness, then I tried to cover it up with a chuckle.

"Oh, Jamie... Always the jokester. Isaac, let's go." I gave him a pointed look that said if he didn't get his ass up and come upstairs with us, I would personally see to it that he would never see the light of day again. I think he got the message.

Meredith smiled when Isaac frowned and followed us up the stairs. Thankfully, McCall didn't follow us or ask any more questions. That was probably because Scott stayed behind to talk to him. I sat Meredith on Scott's bed and paced in front of her, chewing on my nails as I stared at the ground to think of a plan.

"Okay," I sighed, stopping to stare at her. Stiles and Isaac were on either side of me. "Lydia Martin, she's a Banshee like you. Do you know her?"

"Lydia," Meredith said, almost like she was trying to convince me who she was. "You mean the red-haired girl?"

"Yes. Yes! Good, progress," Stiles smiled. "Now all you gotta do is tell us where she is."


"Okay," I said to urge her on as she stared up at us.

"If she tells me."

"'If she'-." I cut myself off, trying not to get frustrated. I inhaled deeply.

"If she tells you. Okay, can you ask her?" Isaac asked.

Meredith smiled proudly. "I already did."

"Perfect, what did she say?" Stiles asked, and Meredith's smile faltered. Her eyes kept jumping back to Isaac. It's completely unethical, but if it would help us get information, I would totally let her make out with him.

"She said she doesn't want to be found."

I stared down at Meredith with a blank look. Lydia, our Lydia, said she did not want to be found? Really? Stiles tapped his fists together and rolled his eyes.

"Okay... That's good, too," Stiles mumbled.

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