Frenemy Part 2

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The EMT's were just about to load Danny into the ambulance when Scott ran up.


"You, too, McCall? What are you doing here?" Danny asked.

"Just, um, seeing if you're okay, and wondering if, you know, anything weird happened to you today." I gave Scott a look that said 'really? Cause this wasn't weird enough for him'. "Besides being paralyzed from the neck down."

"Sorry, but we need to get him to the hospital," the EMT said.

"One more question. Just one. Are you okay?"

"Did it happen to my ex, too?" Danny said. I looked over to see Danny's ex-boyfriend on another stretcher. I nodded at Danny, and he grinned. "Then I'm great." Scott and I chuckled and left, meeting Stiles in his jeep. I had to squish in the front with them because Jackson—human Jackson—was laying naked in the back. I mean, he was covered by a blanket, but he was still naked. And out cold.

"Woah," I said once I saw Stiles. He was covered in lipstick marks and frowning angrily. Stiles held up his hand to stop us from saying anything about it.

"Okay... Couldn't get anything out of Danny," Scott said.

"Okay, can we just get the hell outta here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees me?" Stiles replied. Then Sheriff pulled up right in front of us. Stiles cursed. "Could this get any worse?!" Behind us, Jackson groaned. "That was rhetorical!!"

"Get rid of him," Scott said, pointing at Sheriff, who was getting out of his car.

"Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene, and he's the Sheriff."

"Do something," Scott said, shrugging. Stiles punched the air frustrated, turning to get out and I grabbed his arm.



"You have kiss marks all over you. Your dad will have a cow if he sees them. Let me wipe them off real quick." I rubbed my thumbs over one of the marks on either cheek. They were bright purple and dull red. And they would not come off.

"Hurry!" Scott whispered.

"You're going hate me for this," I mumbled. I licked my thumbs and rubbed off the makeup while Stiles groaned. I was able to get most of it off in about ten seconds, though his face was now red from my scrubbing. I gave him a hesitant thumbs-up and he fell out to go talk to his dad.

Jackson mumbled, leaning up in the seat.

Scott pushed him down gently. "Jackson,  stay quiet." For a second, he was quiet, then he moaned and lifted his head again.

"Jackson, be quiet," I pleaded. He hummed and went back down. He finally leaned up.

"What's happening?" Jackson asked.

"Scott, do something!" I said. Scott apologized, then punched Jackson so hard he fell back, unconscious. We waved nonchalantly at the Sheriff, who looked over at us with confusion.

"The truth, alright," Stiles said, teetering on his feet. "Well, the truth is that we were here with Danny. Yeah, 'cause he just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind of things. That's it." I frowned, impressed. He was becoming a good liar. Which was actually kind of sad.

Sheriff nodded. "Well, that's really good of you guys. You're good friends." Stiles smiled lightly, tapping his dad's shoulder. With a goodbye point, Stiles walked back to the jeep.

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