Echo House Part 1

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I ran right along Scott, who was on his dirt bike, wishing with my entire body that I'd get to Eichen House Asylum in time. Thankfully, I did. Stiles and Sheriff were standing out in front of the gate, staring at the building. They call it Echo House. They say it's because at night, you can hear the screams of every spirit, living and dead, echoing through the halls. I didn't know whether or not I believed it, or if I even wanted to anymore.

Stiles seemed surprised that we were there as we stalked up to them.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Scott asked.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this," Sheriff sighed. I stared at Stiles, tears already in my eyes. I hated that I was crying so much these days, but I felt like I couldn't control it.

"It's only 72 hours," Stiles said, mainly to me. 72 hours. 3 whole days they wanted me to go without Stiles. I'd been going without Stiles for what seemed like weeks already, and that was hard enough. My blood was ice in my veins, making me shiver violently though the night was comparatively warm.

"This is the same place where Barrow came from," Scott deterred.

"The g-guy had a tumor inside of him f-f-filled with fl-ies," I stuttered through my chattering teeth. Maybe it was a mental thing because I hadn't been this cold since the night I came out of the tub. Stiles looked at me with pity and held his arms out like he was going to hug me. I pushed his arms away with a huff, and he looked at me weird.

"I don't wa-want your hugs. I want you n-n-not to g-go in there," I said angrily.

"Just shut up and let me warm you up," Stiles replied, throwing his arms around me. I felt like I had been dipped in a cup of hot chocolate while sitting by the fireside on a winter night. It was blissful.

"You don't know everything yet," Scott warned Sheriff.

"I know enough. Nogitsunes, kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called."

Stiles frowned with satisfaction, and his chest rumbled as he said, "No, that was actually all surprisingly correct." I smiled lightly despite myself, still shivering in his arms.

"Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's. And it terrifies me." I felt Stiles arms tighten as he pursed his lips at the sentence. I kissed his bicep comfortingly since that was the only place I would reach without having to actually move, and he responded by pressing his lips to the top of my head. "I'm headed down to L.A. tomorrow to talk to a specialist."

"Then why are you putting him in here?" Scott asked.

"He could st-stay with me," I offered. Anything to keep him out of Eichen House.

"It's not his choice," Stiles blurted. I whipped my head up to look at him. Did he mean what I think he meant? "It's my decision."

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered, staring at him with a blank expression.

"Stiles, I can't help you if you're in there," Scott told him, begging for him to change his mind.

"And I can't hurt you two," Stiles countered.

"De-Deaton's got some idea's. Argent is c-c-calling people. Please, Stiles, please don't d-do this." I felt like the chill was seeping right back into my body. Hot chocolates get cold, fires die, and winter will always end the year. That's just how it works.

"We're gunna find something, and if we can't..." Scott trailed off.

"If you can't..." Stiles took a step towards Scott, keeping one arm around me. "If you can't, then you have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out." He stepped back, but I didn't step with him, so his arms fell from me.

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