The Benefactor Part 3

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Lydia complained about the floors as Liam raked his claws down them. As she neared, he lifted his head and roared at her with a full set of fangs, making her stop in her tracks.

As Scott and Kira dragged him to the boathouse, I felt my eyes slit. Quickly, I turned my back to Stiles, Malia, and Lydia, and I looked down at my hands, which had sprouted claws again.

"No. No, no, no," I mumbled.

"Y/N, is everything alright?" Stiles asked, his footsteps getting closer. I closed my eyes, begging myself to put away the claws. Stiles' hand touched my back. "Y/N?" I was breathing almost as heavily as Liam had been. I wasn't used to not having complete control over myself, and it made this whole thing even worse.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, my claws disobeying me. Stiles said my name louder, almost like a demand, and he flung me around. I squeezed my eyes closed, keeping my face aimed at the ground. Stiles' hands were on both shoulders, his knees bent as he tried to look me in the eyes.

"I'm fine," I breathed.

"You don't sound fine," he replied. "Show me your hands."


"Y/N! Show me your-!" He whipped my hand out of my pocket to see they were clenched in a fist. There was blood, but I had wiped it off in my pocket. I spread my fingers for him, showing him that I was now claw-free.

I opened my eyes, knowing they were back to normal, and gazed up at his narrow-eyed expression. "See? I'm totally fine."

His eyes locked with mine as his mouth opened like he wanted to say something but didn't know what. He didn't have to because Malia called his name. He spun around when she growled, her fangs out and her eyes a cold blue.

"Okay, basement, now," Stiles said, rushing to grab the bag. I offered to help, holding Malia's shoulders to lead her down.

"Um, hello? What am I supposed to do about the hordes of people gathering outside the door?" Lydia complained.

As if he didn't care much, Stiles stopped for a second to say, "Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?"

"What? Me! Obviously."

"Okay, then throw a party," I told her since Stiles didn't wait long enough to do it. We quickly got Malia halfway tied up before my heart started to race again. I turned my back to them, holding myself up against the wall.

"Y/N?" Stiles asked.

"I'm okay. I'm gunna go help Lydia with the party," I panted. Stiles said my name again, but this time he was walking towards me and about to say something else. I jumped away from him, barely looking at him. "I said I'm fine. Just leave me alone."

I ran up the stairs away from him, needing to get into the open air. I was stumbling through the house, but people just thought I was already drunk. They laughed and stepped out of my way as I tripped down the hall and into a room. I didn't know what room I was in nor did I care as I slammed the door closed behind me and immediately fell to the floor.

The shift had never hurt this much, and I didn't understand it. My screams were drowned out by the thudding music, the pain seizing my whole body. Tears squeezed out of my eyes as I tried to stop the shift that kept trying to force its way onto me.

My insides felt like they were being coiled into a ball and yanked again and again like someone making Laffy Taffy with my intestines. My face was pressed so far into the floor, I thought I might make a permanent Y/N-esque dent in the hard wood, and my nails dug deeply into it. No doubt Lydia would scold me for it, but I didn't care at the moment. I just wanted the pain to stop.

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