Wolf's Bane Part 3

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Stiles was talking on the phone to Scott while Derek and I sat quietly in the jeep. It was nearly game time and the field was not where we were. Where we were was parked in front of the Beacon Hills Hospital Extended Care Facility.

"Did you get the picture?" Scott asked, referring to the picture of the necklace he'd successfully stolen from Allison.

"Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing," Stiles said. Derek grabbed Stiles' wrist and pulled it to him, twisting slightly.

"Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening, something," he said while Stiles groaned in pain. I twisted Derek's hand a little (well, he let me) so Stiles' arm wasn't so far back, and Stiles exhaled with relief.

"No, no, the thing's flat. And no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line." Scott stopped talking as Coach interrupted him.

"Where the hell is Bilinski?" Derek let go of Stiles' wrist.

"Man, you're not gunna play if you're not here to start," Scott said.

"I know. Look, if you see my dad, tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? Alright, thanks." Stiles hung up.

"Why does Coach call you Bilinski?" I asked the question that had been plaguing my mind for the past few days.

"Because his handwriting sucks." That answer may have been an answer, but it gave me no clarity whatsoever.

"You're not gunna make it," Derek said.

"Which sucks, because I was totally excited to laugh at you tonight," I grumbled.

"Thanks, Y/N, that's real supportive," he said.

"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either," Derek continued.

"Not till we find out the truth." Stiles sighed.

"By the way, one more thing," Derek said. When Stiles looked at him, Derek shoved his face into the wheel.

I screamed in shock and Stiles yelled, "What the hell was-?"

"You know what that was for. Go," Derek demanded as Stiles held his head. Stiles started getting out while stretching his face to alleviate the pain probably running through it. That was a hard hit. He waited for me as I got out.

"Sorry, Stiles. That guy's like three times my size. I wasn't gunna hit him," I said as we started walking into the hospital. Stiles waved it off like it wasn't a big deal.

We waited at the desk, but no one came up to us. In fact, it seemed like the whole place was empty of nurses and doctors, which was odd considering we were in a hospital.

Stiles called Derek to tell him about our bump in the road. Derek said to ask for a woman named Jenifer, the nurse who'd been looking after his uncle Peter.

I looked into the room his uncle was supposed to be in, but he wasn't there, and I told Stiles that. When he relayed that information to Derek, Derek seemed very confused. Then he got very worried and told us to get out as fast as we could. His uncle was the alpha. How he knew, I didn't know, but I wasn't going to wait around for proof.

I started to push Stiles toward the exit, needing to get him out first, but was stopped by a man leaning against the wall smiling at us. Half of his face was burnt and he wore a trench coat. How long had this guy been out? No one wears trench coats anymore. I started backing up, gripping onto Stiles' wrist.

"You two must be Stiles and Y/N. I've never met a werecat before. This is exciting." Peter smiled, but it was small and dead. Like he seemed like sociopath.

"No, actually you just missed 'em. You have a good day," I tried then turned to run only to be stopped by a nurse.

"What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over," she asked, her voice high and creepy.

"You must be Jenifer. I'm sure you're a pleasant person," I said. If I could distract them, maybe there would be enough time for us to get out.

"You..." Stiles pointed at her, then turned to point at Peter who was slowly walking toward us. "And him. You're-... You're the one who sent the-. Oh, my-." Stiles looked at her with disgust. "And he's the-. Oh, my god, we're gunna die."

"Stiles, go into a room and shut the door," I whispered. Peter smiled at us, then Derek showed up and elbowed the crap out of Jenifer's face, making her pass out on the floor.

"That's not nice," Peter sang disapprovingly. "She's my nurse."

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people," Derek corrected, then said to us, "Get out of the way."

"Oh, damn," Stiles said and dropped to the floor, taking me with him.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?" Peter asked walking to us as Derek glared at him. Derek growled and turned halfway, sprouting claws and fangs. He jumped at Peter, who grabbed him easily and slammed him into the wall. The wall broke inwards at the impact.

Peter threw Derek into the next wall as Stiles and I crawled out of the way.

"Stiles, go!" I yelled. He flailed when he almost ran into the (probably dead) nurse with a pool of blood draining under her face.

Peter picked Derek up by his neck, dragging him towards us and explaining why he was the way he was. Something about being burned alive and then being trapped in his own mind blah blah blah. Typical villain rant. Stiles and I hid behind the desk as Derek began to fight back. He kicked Derek away and he landed on his stomach within our line of sight, spitting out blood.

I pulled Stiles by his shirt into a new hiding spot that wouldn't get us seen, and heard Derek's bones crunching, all while Peter kept talking about himself. I really hated the talkative ones. Glass shattered as Peter threw Derek into it, and Derek rolled onto the ground in front of us, groaning in pain. Derek started crawling away and Peter taunted him by following him slowly, letting him crawl.

Once they were out of sight, and I was absolutely positive Peter wasn't going to kill Derek, I got us the hell out of there.

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