Heart Monitor Part 3

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Stiles was confused by my sour mood, but it wasn't like I could just tell him what happened with Jackson. He would get all egotistical and say, 'I told you so' which would only make me feel worse. And worse was not what I wanted to feel right now.

I wouldn't look at him during class, which confused him even more, but I felt too ashamed. Coach (economics, bleh) was talking, but I wasn't listening. I stared at a spot on my desk, barely even blinking. How could I have been so stupid and naïve to think that...

"Hey, Y/N/N, what's up? Are you okay?" Stiles asked, leaning over to me. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. He seemed genuinely concerned about me, which made my heart wrench painfully. I looked back to my desk and nodded.


"You're acting funny. What happened?"

"I said I'm fine, Stiles. Just let it go, okay?" Stiles frowned at me, so I offered him a tiny smile, but I think he could tell it wasn't real. He sighed, about to say something else when Coach started talking to Scott. Allison was sitting behind Scott.

"How about uh... McCall," Coach said, trying to get him to summarize the reading homework.

Scott looked up nervously. "What?"

"The reading."

"Last night's reading?"

"Ehh... How about, uh, the reading of the Gettysburg Address?" Coach quipped. The class laughed, and I bit on my lip. This wasn't going to go well.

"What?" Scott asked, confused. I looked at Stiles, who seemed to be thinking the same thing I was.

"That's sarcasm," Coach barked. "You familiar with the term 'sarcasm', McCall?"

Scott rolled his eyes over to me and Stiles, and I cocked my head at him as if to say, 'yeah, Scott? You familiar with it?', and he pursed his lips.

"Very." Stiles and I looked at each other, and Stiles smiled like he was inwardly going 'aaaahhhh. Oh, you', and I giggled quietly, forgetting about why I was upset.

"Did you do the reading or not?" Coach asked. Scott shifted uncomfortably.

"Um... I-I think I forgot."

"Nice work, McCall. It's not like you're not averaging a 'D' in this class." The class chuckled and I frowned, knowing that this would embarrass Scott. Coach leaned in a little. "Come on, buddy. You know I can't keep you on the team if you have a 'D'. How about you summarize, uh, the previous night's reading?"

The phone Stiles stole to monitor Scott's heart rate began to beep, signaling Scott's increase in pulse. I leaned over to watch the phone over Stiles' shoulder and he angled it to where I could see it. 99 and rising.

"No? How about, uh, the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read? In your entire life?!"

The beeping got quicker as Scott's pulse hit 138. I swallowed nervously, ready to grab my stuff and go if Scott began to turn.

"No? A blog? How about, uh, how about... The back of a cereal box?! No?! How about the adults only warning from your favorite website you visit every night?"

153. Stiles rubbed the back of his head nervously while Scott began to bounce his leg quickly, his eyes staring at the ground.

"Anything? Thank you, McCall, thank you. Thank you, McCall," Coach grunted, pounding on his desk. "Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I had for your generation."

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