Motel California Part 2

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"Actually, it's Y/N who's being the weirdest. It's like she's hyper-sexual or something," Stiles said when Lydia asked why Scott was acting funny.

"Really?" Lydia asked. "Did you do anything?"

"No. I couldn't. I just wanted to sneak away to come see you," Stiles replied. I felt my entire face heat up with rage as I gripped the railing, my claws slowly sliding out. I started to shift before I could stop myself, growling lowly under my breath. I trusted him, and he betrayed me. More like he was in the process of it.

I listened to the smacking sounds of them kissing, their moans, their breaths of passion. I couldn't take it. It felt like every bone in my body was breaking as I saw them stumble out onto the balcony with me. Stiles pressed Lydia up against the wall, his hands traveling all over her body as their lips locked together.

"Y/N's pathetic. It's you, Lydia, it's always gunna be you," Stiles moaned into her neck. She replied with a moan of her own. Lydia's eyes opened and she saw me watching them. My eyes were filled with large angry tears, my claws digging into my palms as I clenched my hands into fists. She smirked at me and tapped Stiles on the shoulder. He looked up to see me and smiled cruelly.

I found myself standing on the railing and staring down at the hard concrete 50 feet below me. If I went down head first, I wouldn't be able to land on my feet. But I had seven lives left. How could I make sure I wouldn't come back?

The tears rolled down my cheeks as I stepped closer to the edge. I'd just have to jump seven times then.

"Y/N!" a voice yelled. I looked down to see Allison, Lydia, and Stiles running to me. Stiles was flailing with fear. I didn't know how he got there in the few seconds since he had been next to me, but I couldn't stop. "Stop! Don't jump!"

"Go away," I replied, not even wanting to see him. I let go, stepping over and swallowing the lump of heartache in my throat. But before I could fall, an arm snaked around my waist and I crashed safely onto the cement of the balcony, Stiles on top of me.

I blinked, looking around with confusion as Stiles brushed the hair from my face. "What were you doing, baby? Why were you going to jump?"

"I-I don't know. I saw... I saw..." I whispered. It hadn't been real, had it? I had imagined the whole thing. In my memory, the image of Stiles and Lydia making out slowly vanished into the memory of me staring at an empty walkway.

As Stiles helped me up, he said, "I don't think it's a werewolf thing. I think it's a Were thing." Lydia nodded in response.

"Stiles, please tell me what's going on because I'm pretty sure I just tried to kill myself and I don't know why," I panicked. He pulled me to his side, pressing his lips to my temple.

"It's okay, you're alright. I think it's got something to do with the sacrifices. Three Weres are supposed to die tonight."

"Boyd, Isaac, Scott? Where are they? Are they okay? Have you checked on them yet?" 

"I'll find Scott. You guys find Isaac and Boyd. The best thing we can do is get them out of this place," Allison said before turning to find Scott's room.

"Lydia wait. We've been through something like this before," Stiles said.


"Your birthday party," Stiles replied. Lydia's face dropped as she stared at Stiles.

"Smooth," I mumbled, jabbing him in the side with my elbow. Lydia pursed her lips and started to walk away.

Stiles and I followed her. "Lydia, I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean that you're trying to kill people, okay? I just-. I just meant that maybe you're somehow involved in getting people to kill themselves, you know?" Lydia turned her head slightly to give Stiles a glaring side-eye. "Which now that I say that out loud it just sounds really terrible, so I'm just gunna stop talking-."

"Guys?" Lydia said, stopping instantly. Her head was cocked like she was hearing something. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I asked. Lydia looked down at a grate and stooped to her knees. She put her hands on the grate to listen. "What do you hear?"

"A baby crying," she responded. "I hear... I hear water running. Oh, my god. She's drowning the baby!" Lydia stood, tears in her eyes. "Someone's drowning!" We ran to Boyd's room to check, and sure enough Boyd was in a tub full of water with a heavy safe on his chest holding him down. He wasn't struggling, so that meant he'd been in there for a bit.

Stiles pulled up the sleeves of his red hoodie as he slid to a stop next to the tub. He reached in to unplug the drain while I tried to pull off the safe.

"He plugged it. He blocked the drain with something. I can't get to it," Stiles said.

"I can't move the safe. It's too heavy," I grunted, still trying in vain to push the safe. Lydia and Stiles tried to help, both grunting, but it wouldn't budge. I'm not saying I would normally be able to lift the safe, but I would definitely be able to at least budge it. Why did I have the strength of the average human right now?

"Is he dead? How long can a werewolf stay underwater?" Lydia asked, letting go of the safe. I felt myself getting angry again, but it was different. I knew it was real, and I was angry because I was weak.

"You think I know that?" Stiles asked. I started beating on the chest with my fists, screaming for it to move while Stiles yelled for me to stop.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me away, but I fought him. He continued to back me up to the wall, then I heard a sizzle and he let go of me, shooting away from the heat source. I looked over to see a wall heater turned on high. Stiles' forearm was red from the burn, but he seemed more concerned with the thought he just had than the pain.

"Wait a sec, the heater," Stiles mumbled, still holding his elbow. "Heater—Ethan came out of it when he touched the heater."

"What?" Lydia asked, her voice breathy with annoyance.

"So it's heat," I whispered, only understanding half of what he was saying. Stiles nodded frantically.

"It's heat, fire. Heat does it, alright, we need something-."

"He's under water!" Lydia yelled.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that!" Stiles yelled back.

"Wait, wait," I mumbled. "Flares. They burn underwater, and they're hot, right? The bus has flares." Stiles ran out to get the flares, and I pushed myself against the safe again, trying desperately to move it. Boyd was under the water, small bubbles floating up from his mouth, and his eyes were open but unseeing.

I walked out into the room, and the taste of fear was strong in my mouth. Someone cried and sniffled behind me and I turned to stare at the bed, which was empty. I knelt down to look under the bed, and there was Isaac curled into a little ball of fear under the bed. He gasped when he saw me and backed away like he didn't recognize me.

"Isaac," I said, holding out my hand. "It's me, it's Y/N. You're okay." I faintly recalled Stiles running into the bathroom with the flare as Isaac's eyes registered me. He took my hand and I helped him out from under the bed.

When he got out, he clung to me, burying his face in my chest like a child. I smoothed his hair down, rocking him gently. If my vision had been of Stiles not loving me, I could take a really good guess as to what Isaac's was, and I hated that he kept having to relive that awful time.

"It's okay, I've got you. You're safe," I whispered. From the bathroom, I heard a loud crash of the safe hitting the floor as Boyd leapt up from the water and roared loudly. Isaac shook in my arms from the loudness and I held him tighter.

Stiles, Lydia and Boyd walked out of the bathroom. I could tell Stiles wanted to be mad, but it was hard to when Isaac looked so terrified.

"I think he still thinks he's trapped. You have to do something," I said. Stiles' eyes locked on the second flare he brought, and I thought I saw a mixture of elation and excitement in his eyes as he lit it.

"Isaac, look at me. Only me. You're fine," I mumbled as Isaac stared up at me. I nodded at Stiles and he stuck the flame against Isaac's skin.

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