Dreamcatcher Part 2

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Before we could even make it our house, we got a call from Lydia. Her Banshee senses had tingled and the cops were on their way to downtown. So, Stiles did a U-Turn and hauled ass to get there faster. We parked behind the police cars and walked up to the gate.

Waiting for us was Lydia, Kira, and Malia, but we passed them to see the damage. We were underneath a bridge, but it was enclosed, so it seemed more like a tunnel. In front of us, a prison van was lying on it's side, smoke wafting up from it. There was another car overturned in front of it, but so far I couldn't see any dead bodies. Or live ones for that matter.

That was, up until they strolled one past on a stretcher as he fought for life. I didn't recognize him or his scent.

"Kids," Sheriff said to us. I felt bad that he had to ditch his date for this. The three of us stood in front of him, waiting for an explanation. "Scott, you saw this kid, Donovan. He wasn't like you, right?"

Scott looked at me and shook his head. "I don't think so?"

"I didn't sense anything," I offered.

"Unless he knows how to hide his scent," Stiles added. Well, crap. If he did, that sucked. How many people knew how to do that?

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might've just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers," Sheriff said. A bad feeling crept up my spine.

"Did you catch him?"

Sheriff frowned like I had asked the right question. "We've got an APB out on him, but you think you can find him faster?" My worry lied with Sheriff instead of Donovan. If Donovan was really the one who caused this, then he'd have no issue following through with what he promised Sheriff earlier that night.

"We can try," Scott answered when I didn't. Sheriff handed me a walkie-talkie, telling me to keep it on channel two.

"Wait, someone should stay with you. If he comes after you-," I started.

"If he does, I'll handle it," Sheriff promised, but it didn't make me feel as good as I hoped it would. "I want you out there with Scott."

I wanted to argue, but I knew it would only lead right back to this answer. So instead, I nodded. "Yes, sir." I nodded to Scott and ran off, not looking at Stiles before I left.

Scott and I followed the scent we had caught, not knowing if it was the right one or not, and we ran at full speed. Well, he ran at full speed. I was at like three-quarter speed. He leapt over a 15-foot wall, and I followed. There was a dumpster on the other side of it, so I jumped down on that and flipped off of it. Both Scott and I landed crouched next to each other, taking a moment to smell the air.

Our eyes looked in the same direction, so we took that as mutual agreement and started running again.

We slowed to a walk when we entered an old brick, open building. I listened intently for any sound coming near. There was a rapid heartbeat in the room we entered, so I was prepared when Donovan came screaming out of the shadows. I stuck my foot out and he slipped over it. This allowed Scott to grab him by his shoulders and throw him to the floor behind him.

Donovan cowered up against the wall, panting and staring at us with fearful eyes. He was still in his cuffs, and I thought there was no way Donovan could've killed a lawyer, harmed two deputies, and crashed a car with his hands restrained a foot from his waist. That could only mean Donovan didn't do it, and it was someone else who was murdering people.

Scott went to punch him unconscious so we could take him back, but I grabbed his hand, stopping him. He gave me a confused look, and I shook my head at him. He lowered his hand to allow me the time I needed to figure things out.

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