The Tell Part 2

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I jumped in through the window to my room (I started keeping it unlocked precisely for this reason) and instantly got into the shower. I took the longest shower I could, giving myself the ultimate pampering. I toweled through my hair, then wrapped the towel around my body, walking back to my room.

I shut the door behind me, and when I turned, I saw Stiles sitting on my bed staring at me. I screamed and bumped into the wall, automatically trying to cover up my breasts even though they were already covered.

I sighed, putting my hand over my heart. "Jesus Christ, Stiles, you startled me." He stared at me, his mouth hanging open. His eyes were roaming over my body and I bit my lip nervously. "Stiles?"


"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking to my closet. His eyes followed me and I suddenly wished for a longer towel.

"Oh, right! What happened?" he asked. I grabbed a shirt and some shorts then threw them on my desk as I went through a drawer to pick out some underwear.

"I told you. It was mountain lion," I joked as I picked out a pair of cute undies. They had to be cute because Stiles would see them.

"No, come on. Seriously? What happened?" he asked, his arms hitting my bed. I sighed, slipping on my underwear in a way that would keep myself hidden as the towel rode up. Stiles blinked, staring at me.

"Okay. I'm pretty sure it was the alpha."

Stiles jumped up, a wide-eyed look on his face. "The alpha?"

I nodded, sliding on my pajama shorts. I put on my shirt over my towel, then dropped the towel and hung it on a hook on my closet door. "I was trying to find a movie. Jackson came in, we talked-."

"You talked," he said as though he didn't believe me.

"Yes. We talked. That's it. I heard something and we went to check it out. Got caught behind the shelves as they fell. But I saw it. It was huge." I sat down next to him on the bed, facing him while I brushed through my hair slowly, explaining what it looked like. He hung onto my every word, his eyes only flicking down to my breasts a few times.

When I was done brushing my hair, I ran oil through it and shook it out with my fingers while Stiles watched the whole thing.

"Were you scared?" he asked. I pursed my lips at him, giving him the 'are you really asking me that?' look.

"Stiles, when have you ever known me to be scared?" I said. "No. I got nervous, but not scared. You know what I'm feeling now, though?"


"Tired. Get out of here. I'll see you later," I laughed. He frowned but went out the window, walking back to his house. I shook my head at him, laughing, then closed my window and climbed into bed.


Mr. Harris was telling the class about parent/teacher conferences tonight, which I ignored, watching Stiles highlight nearly every line in his textbook and trying not to laugh.

"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Mr. Harris asked, looking at me and Stiles. Stiles looked around to see everyone staring at him then looked up to see Harris looming over him. Stiles had the lid of the highlighter between his lips.

The door opened and Jackson walked in. He was getting the same treatment I was. Curious, but pitiful looks from all the kids who knew about the 'mountain lion' attack. Lydia hadn't come to school today. And apparently neither had Scott. Or Allison. Although, it was her birthday, so she was probably off celebrating... With Scott.

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