Omega Part 2

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Stiles yelled, "Scott, are we going the right way?" Scott was hanging halfway outside the open window, no doubt a dog-like happiness on his face and his tongue sticking out.

After a second, and probably sniffing the air (oh, the dog jokes I'm going to unleash upon him), Scott said, "Take the next right." Stiles did as he was told, and a little to hurriedly, so I grabbed onto the 'oh, crap' bar while he sped up.

Scott's nose led us to the old (but for some reason in the beginning stages of renovation) Hale house. Scott and Allison walked behind Stiles and I a few feet. I only walked up with Stiles to protect him in case something happened.

I put a hand on his chest to make him stop walking, which made everyone else stop, and I listened for whatever.

"She came here?" Stiles asked, and I immediately shushed him. I couldn't hear if he was talking to me. The crickets chirped in the trees, the leaves rustled with the wind, the branches and twigs cracked under feet, and hearts beat calmly, but they belonged to animals.

I shook my head, dropping my hand from Stiles' chest. "I don't hear her. Or anything."

"This is where her scent leads," Scott insisted.

Stiles sighed and started walking to the house. I wanted to tell him to stay behind me, but I didn't want to emasculate him entirely, so I settled for walking in front of him a bit. Maybe he wouldn't notice what I was trying to do.

"Alright, but has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles asked.

"Not with me," Allison replied, and Scott shook his head. Stiles threw his hands up a little in frustration to have them drop hack to his sides as he continued to walk again.

Allison stopped to talk to Scott, but I ignored it. There was something else that caught my attention. It was coming from a graveyard. There was a heartbeat, human, that was pumping so fast it seemed like I was getting sympathetic fear. I listened for a second then heard a loud crash that nobody else seemed to hear.

"Scott, take care of Stiles and Allison. Stiles, don't be a hero. I have to go," I said then ran in the direction of the even quicker heartbeat without waiting to listen to their protests. I began to run on all fours to go faster, all while following the heart. There were two I could make out now, but one was steady the entire time and was easily overshadowed by the other.

When I got to the graveyard (it was in a matter of minutes), it was empty of all people. There was a small Backhoe Loader that was used to dig graves. It was slightly warped in certain places that made it seem like a struggle had happened. Although, I had no way of knowing whether it was caused by what had just happened or from wear and tear.

I listened, but the heartbeats seemed to be out of range. But there were slight scents I could pick up on. One was Derek, which surprised me, but also kind of didn't. The other was oddly familiar, but I couldn't place a face with the smell. I knew I had smelt it before, (and it was a rather good smell, even though tonight it was soaked in fear) but to whom it belonged evaded me.

I hummed in suspicion and made my way back to the Hale house to see if they were still there. Without stopping to register what I was seeing, I ran up next to Scott.

"Hey, Scott, so I was just at the-. Why are you hanging-? Oh..." Next to me, Scott was hanging upside down from a trap, and in front of us knelt Mr. Argent, staring up at me. Behind him was his usual hunting buddies. Damn, I should've stopped to check things out first. "Mr. Argent."

"Y/N. What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, you know. Catching mice, ripping their tiny little throats out to suck their blood and bake their brains in Scott's little werewolf oven. The usual," I replied seriously. This earned me a stern look and a moment of silence. Then he disregarded me and looked back at Scott.

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