Raving Part 2

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Stiles, Scott, and I got out of the Jeep after he parked. To my left was Matt securing his bike to the bike rack.

"There's gotta be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott asked. Scott found out about a rave this weekend where Jackson had bought tickets to. And we couldn't find tickets to save our lives.

"It's a secret show," Stiles said.

"There's only one way," I sighed sadly.

"And it's a secret," Stiles added.

"Hey," Matt said, coming up behind us. "Any of you know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?"

"Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt," Stiles sassed, looking at Matt with distaste. Matt furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"I-I had a concussion."

"Well, nobody got seriously hurt," Stiles said slowly.

"I was in the ER for six hours," Matt complained with a glare.

"Okay, you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high-." Stiles bent, hovering his hand about half a foot off the ground. "-on our list of problems right now." Matt frowned and Stiles slowly leaned back up as Scott stepped forward to talk to Matt.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked, but he sounded like he didn't really want to.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Now. So you didn't get any tickets last night either," Matt conversed. Stiles looked at me, rolling his eyes.

Scott shook his head. "Are they still selling?"

"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's gunna be there." Matt smiled at me and Scott and walked away, while Stiles glared at his back.

"I don't like that guy," Stiles said.

"We know," I replied. His arm reached out to stop Scott and I when we started to walk. "Hey, are you guys sure about this?"

"Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job, so what do you think he's gunna do this time?" Scott asked.

Stiles said sourly, "Be there to make sure it happens." Scott nodded and we all turned, walking side-by-side into the school.


Stiles stormed up to me after practice, two tickets for the rave in his hand. I grabbed one, grinning at it.

"You got the tickets!" I said happily. "How?"

"How? Your boyfriend is a psycho werewolf manic who beats people up for tickets, that's how," Stiles exclaimed. I pulled my lips into a knot, looking down.

"He's... Not technically my boyfriend," I said. I mean, he hadn't asked me. Though we have had sex, so maybe...? No, I shouldn't assume. That would be-.

"That's what you got from that?" Stiles frowned. My eyes jumped to look anywhere but him.

"Well, I mean... We got the tickets, though, right?" 

Stiles pointed his finger at me, his mouth open like he was going to chew me out, then he closed his mouth, pursing his lips together as he stared at me. I felt small under his eye of scrutiny and didn't know what to say.

"I hate that guy," Stiles muttered, turning to walk away. My eyes widened in relief as I sighed and followed him. We were supposed to meet up with Scott at the animal clinic. Something about important to-dos at the rave to catch Jackson and his master.

When we got there (Stiles had stewed the entire drive), we stood on one side of the metal slab with Scott while Deaton faced us on the other. He held a medicine bottle with a clear liquid inside and two large needles.

"Ketamine?" Scott read.

"It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage," Deaton explained. He set both the syringe and the tiny bottle in front of me and Scott. "If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you some time." He picked up another glass bottle with a screw on top. The sticker on it looked like some type of rune and inside it looked like black sand. Mountain Ash. "This is some of what you'll use to create the barrier. This part is for you, Stiles. Only you." He set the bottle on the table in the center.

Stiles looked like he was about to crap his pants. "Uhh, that sounds like a lot of pressure," he said, reaching out to grab the bottle. "Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?" He ended with a heavy inhale.

I bit back a smile as he shrugged at Scott.

"It's from the Mountain Ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with Ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott or Y/N to cause me any trouble," Deaton smiled impishly.

Stiles set the bottle back down. "Okay. So then what? I just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?"

"They'll be trapped," Deaton nodded. Stiles nodded, his hands rubbing against his shirt like he was nervous.

"Doesn't sound too hard," I said, trying to comfort him. Stiles flicked his eyebrows up, putting his hands on his waist.

"Not all there is. Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark, Stiles," Deaton explained.

"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that," Stiles replied, earning a 'really, dude?' head-shake from Scott. Stiles looked at me and I smiled at him gently.

Deaton chuckled lightly, smiling to himself. "Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish."

"Force of will," Stiles repeated numbly, staring at the ash. I rubbed his back soothingly.

Deaton leaned forward to get his attention. "If this is going to work, Stiles, you have to believe it." Deaton float his hands like magic was coming from them, a small smile on his face.

We all looked at Stiles who nodded. His eyes flicked to mine and Scott and he inhaled purposefully, copying Deaton's hand motion, his eyes wide with anxiety.

"Mhm," Stiles mumbled, then exhaled, his lips curving up on one side with fake confidence.

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