The Fox and the Wolf Part 1

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I sat on a chair in Kira's room, hugging my knees to my chest after having given Kira the photo. I finally got out of Eichen House maybe an hour ago and the first thing I did was call Scott. Well, technically, the first thing I did was get Stiles' jeep since I was too worn out to run anymore, then I called Scott. I didn't tell them what happened, at least not all of it. I had Stiles' pillow clutched to my chest, providing a comfortable headrest on my knees for my chin.

"This looks just like me," Kira said, gawking at the photo. She flipped it over to see the date 1943 on it. "This has to be my grandmother."

"Stiles and I found that picture and that sword with a body buried in the wall," I hummed with exhaustion, nodding to the sword I had given to Scott. "The wall had the same backwards 5 that the Oni put on us."

"It sounds like it all goes back to your family. Your grandmother, your mom," Scott mused, the sword in his lap as he sat side by side with Kira on her bed. She had a pretty nice room, I was impressed. Kira's phone buzzed and she looked down at it with worry.

"What is it?" Scott asked.

"My dad. The Nogitsune got to him at the school," she said. We were on our feet in a second, racing down the hall to the front door. I drove Stiles' jeep down to the school quickly, then we burst through the doors. Kira had the sword and Scott had the photo. I had the pillow just because I didn't want to put it down.

Was it wrong to say I was excited by the prospect of seeing Stiles, even if it wasn't Stiles? I knew he would be long gone from the school by now, but still, I hoped.

Kira slid to her knees next to her choking father. Her mom was kneeling beside him, and she took a small bottle from Kira, unscrewing it quickly.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" Kira asked.


"You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms," Kira blurted. Mrs. Yukimura pursed her lips at Kira as she dumped the contents of the bottle into her hand, nearing it to Mr. Yukimura's mouth. He coughed as he chewed it, then spit blackness onto the paper towel in his hand. In the blackness was a single fly.

"Stiles did this?" Scott asked, his voice apologetic on behalf of his friend.

"He wanted the last keikan," Mrs. Yukimura spat. I could sense her distaste for the boy and I wanted to scream and tell her she didn't know the real him, only what was possessing him.

Mrs. Yukimura pulled a sleek black dagger from her jacket. "I've kept this near me ever since your friend disappeared."

"This wasn't Stiles. It's Void. Don't get the two confused," I said, mostly because I felt like I was obligated to defend my boyfriend. Mrs. Yukimura looked like she didn't believe me (or care).

"Mom, you need to talk to us about everything," Kira pleaded. Mrs. Yukimura frowned, so Scott handed her the photo from his pocket. She looked at him with shock and grabbed the photo to stare at it intently.

"Where did you get this?" she asked.

"Is it Grandma?" Kira replied. It's good, though, I wasn't going to tell her where I found it anyway.

"No. It's me."

I had to do a double take just to make sure I heard her. This photo was from 19-freaking-43.

"If that's you, then you'd have to be, like, 90," I said, my eyes scanning over her to see if any part of her looked over 40. It didn't.

"Closer to 900," she replied confidently.

"Okay, sure. Why not?" Kira breathed.

"What's your secret? Skin cream or...?" Everyone in the room gave me some kind of 'seriously?' look, and I nodded. "Alright. Bad time for jokes. I get it."

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