More Bad Than Good Part 1

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The three of us stepped gingerly into the cave Stiles found. We had to duck to get in, but it opened up enough for us to stand straight. Stiles' flashlight beam danced around the cave. There was a blue jacket and multiple children's toys littered around it.

"It's a coyote den," Stiles said.

"Werecoyote," I shrugged. "Why not?"

Stiles knelt down and picked up the blue jacket. "You see this? It's Malia's. Remember, it's the same one she was wearing in the picture." Scott didn't answer, slowly reaching out to grab the battered teddy bear at his feet.

"That's just sad," I sighed.

"We shouldn't be in here," Scott said.

"What do you mean?" Stiles replied, furrowing his eyebrows at Scott.

"She's not going to come back now. We just invaded her home. Our scent is gunna be everywhere." Scott said it like he felt guilty about it.

"Well, if she's not coming back, where's she gunna go?" I asked. Scott shrugged, shaking his head while Stiles thoughtfully scratched his chin.

"Well, can you track her now? You think you got her scent?" Stiles offered.

"Maybe. But I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf."

"I could punch you," I said. Scott pursed his lips at me, and I held my hands up to say 'nevermind, then'.

"I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back," Scott admitted.

Stiles sighed and quietly said, "Door is still open."

"If I can't get to Derek, we're gunna have to find someone else to help."

I looked around the den, then to Stiles, who was rubbing his fingers against his bottom lip. "Hey, this is basically a crime scene, right? Think Sheriff might want in on this?"

"Yeah," Scott agreed. "I think it might be a little out of my boss's league." I smiled encouragingly at Stiles, and he nodded. We all got out of the den then called Sheriff.

He and a few of his deputies came to scout out the cave, and we waited by the car as Sheriff disappeared into the cave. When he emerged with the jacket, he came down to talk to us on his own.

"You're sure it was her?" he asked with uncertainty.

"I looked her right in the eyes, and they glowed just like mine," Scott answered.

"It makes sense, Dad."

"But it wasn't a girl. It was a four-legged coyote, right?" Sheriff whispered.

"Uh, well, yeah. Okay, look, w-we don't exactly have that part figured out yet," I said while Sheriff squinted at me. "But! If it was a full moon and she did change while her mom was driving, anything could've happened. She would've been uncontrollable."

"Horrible things could've happened," Stiles added for emphasis. I nodded. "Ripping, shredding, tearing things."

"Okay, nix the details, please, Stiles," I mumbled, closing my eyes to keep from seeing things I didn't want to see, like Logan who wouldn't stay out of my mind. Stiles gave me a concerned look when I opened my eyes and I avoided his eyes.

"Which is probably what caused the accident," Scott continued.

"Think about it. They're driving-," I started.

"-Malia starts to change, she goes out of control-," Stiles said dramatically.

"-the mom crashes, and everybody dies."

"Except for Malia," Scott joined.

"She blames herself, alright, goes off running into the woods-," Stiles said.

"-and then eventually becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote!" I finished. Sheriff, who's eyes had been jumping around between us like a three-way tennis match finally stopped on me with a blank look while his mouth hung open.

"That makes sense," he muttered in a way that made me think he was only saying that because he didn't quite understand the supernatural rules yet. I nodded, accepting it and smiling at Stiles with victory. Then Sheriff spat, "In a Chinese folktale!"

My smile dropped as he shook his head at us.

"Kids, this is... This is insane," he sighed. When none of us responded, he said, "I need to keep this quiet. The three of you, not a word. I don't want anyone hearing about this. I especially don't want Mr. Tate hearing about this." Scott turned to stare behind him. "Scott? Scott!"

Scott jerked forward, blinking as he apologized. He looked at me and Stiles with a look that said he just had another hallucination.

A siren whooped quietly then died as a car pulled up next to Sheriff's.

Sheriff scowled and muttered, "Oh, hell." We turned around to see Mr. McCall and Mr. Tate stalking up to us. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Sheriff greeted Mr. Tate, who stared mournfully at the jacket clutched in Sheriff's hand. He took it from him gingerly, holding the jacket as if it were a child while his eyes filled with tears.

"It's hers," Mr. Tate whimpered.

"Alright, wait here," McCall said. Before he could walk off, Scott stopped him. McCall pointed a stern finger at Scott and warned, "I'll talk to you in a minute. I wouldn't mind hearing how your mom is okay with you running around in the woods this late." McCall walked off while Scott rolled his eyes. Sheriff went after McCall to gripe at him about bringing Tate to the crime scene.


I waved to Kira as she entered the class. Scott was just about to sit down when she confidently stepped in front of him. I watched her, hoping Scott would be nice and she would impress him.

"Hey. I'm Kira. You know that." It started going downhill as she frowned. "I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you that again." Her eyes jumped nervously to mine and I held out my hands in a way that would tell her to calm down and take a breath. She inhaled deeply and I have her a thumbs-up. "Anyway, I have something for you." Scott smiled as she pulled off her backpack.

"For me?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah. About the Bardo. My explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and printed it out for you," she said as she dug through her bag.

Scott rubbed the back of his neck nervously and chuckled. "Ah, you didn't have to do that."

She looked up at him with sincere eyes and replied, "It only took a couple of hours."

"Wow, then you really didn't have to do that," Scott said. As Kira was preoccupied with finding the papers in her bag, I kicked the side of Scott's foot, giving him wide 'say thank you and accept it' eyes.

"I swear I printed it out," she grumbled.

"Kira," Mr. Yukimura called, walking up behind her. "You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like." She slowly took the papers from his hand, her face falling to an embarrassed frown. Scott's jaw dropped awkwardly as she slowly spun on her heel to face him again.

She held out the stack of papers as thick as a book while staring downwards. Oh, god, this was hard to watch. Scott smiled, blushing slightly, as she flicked her eyes up to his with shyness. After he took the papers, Kira smiled lightly and they split ways. She huffed down into the seat next to me while Scott walked to his seat in front of me.

"I blew it," she whispered to me as her father started class.

"What? No. You didn't. It was-."

"A train wreck."

"Yeah, a little. But it was a cute train wreck. Some guys are into that kind of thing," I encouraged. I couldn't tell her I thought Scott liked her because one, I wasn't absolutely sure and I didn't want to get her hopes up, and two, it wasn't my place to tell her. They should come together naturally.

Kira groaned quietly and plopped her head down on the desk. I looked up to see Scott already thumbing through the papers.

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