Chaos Rising Part 4

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"Kids!" Sheriff yelled, stomping his foot. I squealed and rolled off Stiles' bed, landing crouched down on my feet. "I gotta get to work. You three get to school." Sheriff started to walk out as I rubbed my eyes and Stiles asked about Heather. Sheriff shook his head and I sighed.

Stiles' floor was covered in loose paper, and his printer was still printing. We researched all night and came up with squat.

"Ten hours and nothing," I grumbled.

"We're gunna find something," Scott affirmed.

"Finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead or Boyd any less about-to-be-dead," Stiles said, grabbing his backpack. I plopped back down onto Stiles' bed, groaning and closing my eyes to go back to sleep.

"Well, we still have time," Scott said calmly.

"Is this whole like 'remain optimistic in the face of complete and utter disaster' thing a part of the 'be a better Scott McCall' program?"

"Uh, not if it doesn't work," Scott sighed, the first bit of doubt coming to his voice.

"No, it works," Stiles sighed.

"Stiles. Shut. Up," I grumbled, kicking papers of his bed and stretching out. I just wanted to sleep.

Stiles picked up a piece of paper that I kicked off and stared at it. "Baby, you're a genius."

"Mhm," I hummed, not bothering to see what made me a genius. Stiles called for his Dad and ran out of the room to get him. Actually, now I was curious. "Scott? Why am I a genius?" I sat up a little to see the paper that Scott turned my way. It was a news article about the break in. There was a photo printed on it of Sheriff arresting the perp. "Oh."

I laid back down for a second then my eyes shot open as I realized what that meant. "Oh!" Scott smiled at me, looking at me in a way I could only describe as lovingly. "Cool," I murmured, plopping back down. Scott chuckled and Stiles ran back into the room. How he had so much energy in the mornings, I didn't know. I groaned as he talked loudly, throwing a pillow at him.

"Get up, baby. We're going to school," Stiles laughed.

"No," I replied, using Stiles' favorite pillow to wrap around my head, blocking out light and noise. It smelled like pure Stiles. No cologne, no body wash, no shampoo. Just Stiles. I inhaled deeply, letting his scent wash over me as I curled up on his bed.

Stiles grabbed my ankles, preparing to pull me to him and I screamed, reaching out to grab the headboard. He tugged before I could grab it and I slid down the bed with a squeal.

"Stiles! Stop it!" I yelled, trying not to laugh. I was acutely aware of Scott's feet padding out of the room.

"Get up, baby. School time."

"No! I'm not going. I'm too tired," I complained, pushing his hands away. Stiles climbed on the bed, straddling me as he grabbed my wrists with one hand and started tickling my side with the other. I screamed at the feeling of my muscles clenching to get away, but Stiles didn't stop.

"Are you gunna get up and go to school?" he asked.

"No. Get off," I replied, struggling between his legs. He smiled wickedly and moved his hand to tickle another place.

"I think you want to go to school," he said.

"Okay!" I relented and his fingers immediately stopped their torture. "Ass." I grumbled. My hands were still pinned above my head. Stiles smiled and leaned down, pecking my nose with his lips. I giggled, unable to stop myself, and he didn't move, smiling down at me.

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