Pack Mentality Part 3

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Stiles drove up to the fence blocking the buses. Specifically, the bus that Scott might or might not have murdered someone on. It was nearly midnight out, and Scott and told us that this had to be done sooner rather than later.

We all got out and, as we were walking to the fence, Scott stopped us. "Hey, no. Just me. Someone needs to keep watch."

"Okay, well, we don't need two for that," I said. "I'll go with you."

"No, I need to do this alone."

Stiles rolled his eyes, seemingly unhappy with Scott's answer. "How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?"

"Because you can't remember for him," I told him. Stiles pouted.

"Why is it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin?" Stiles said, pointing at Scott. "I don't want to be Robin all the time."

"Nobody's Batman or Robin any of the time," Scott comforted, only Stiles didn't seem to like that answer either.

"Not even some of the time?"

"Oh my god. Scott, just go. We'll wait here for you," I sighed, dragging Stiles back to the jeep by his shirt.

Scott climbed over the fence as we got into the jeep. Stiles' knee was bouncing irritably, and for three minutes I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say to him.

"You know, I think Robin's pretty cool. I mean, where would Batman be without Robin?"

A slow smile spread over his lips, then he noticed me watching him and turned it back to a frown.

"Yeah, well, it'd be nice to be Batman," he said. I chuckled. He was just intent on pouting, wasn't he? At least he looked adorable when he pouted. I let him alone to stew, only watching him from the corner of my eyes so he wouldn't catch me staring.

Several minutes passed by, and I watched for Scott, waiting for him to return with either really good news or really bad news. Then I saw Scott running towards us. He jumped on the hood of a red SUV and jumped over the fence.

"Stiles, start the car!" I yelled, throwing myself into the back seat. Stiles started the car and Scott jumped in screaming 'go!' repeatedly. Stiles spazzed out, but was still able to swerve the jeep around and speed down the road the way we came.

"Did it work? Did you remember?!" Stiles shouted, feeding off Scott's adrenaline.

"Yeah, I was there last night," Scott replied, looking back to see if we were being followed. "And the blood—a lot of it was mine."

"So you did attack him?" I asked, trying to get Scott to get to the point.

"I saw glowing eyes on the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek."

"What about the bus driver?" Stiles asked.

"I think I was trying to protect him."

"Wait, what? Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" Stiles asked.

"That's what I don't get."

"Maybe it's a pack thing. Like an initiation," I offered.

"Does your pack do that?" Scott asked.

"I don't have a pack. Werecats are family oriented creatures, not pack-based."

"So you're saying maybe they kill together for initiation?" Stiles asked. I shrugged like it was possible.

"Yeah, because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience," Scott huffed.

"But you didn't do it," I reminded.

"Which means you're not a killer," Stiles figured. "And it also means that-."

"I can go out with Allison," Scott smiled widely.

"I was gunna say it means you won't kill us," Stiles replied snarkily.

"Oh, yeah," Scott said as though it was a second thought. "That, too." I chuckled, watching Stiles' shake his head at Scott's response.

After dropping Scott off, I asked, "Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"Probably just gunna study and sneak into Scott's house whenever he gets home," Stiles answered honestly. I bit my lip to stop the grin on my face. This boy...

"Okay, I'll help."


It was probably around 11 when Stiles and I climbed up to Scott's window. Scott's bed was at his window, so it would provide a quiet entry for us so we wouldn't wake Melissa. His light was off, so he wasn't back yet, but we could wait. Before Stiles could climb in, I heard Melissa walking down the hallway. I grabbed Stiles' shirt and pulled him to the side.

"Hey, Scott, I'm gunna-. You're not home. Okay," Melissa mumbled. She started to walk away, so I poked my head in, then let Stiles climb in. He was so loud. I peeked in just as Melissa started screaming, carrying a bat. Stiles screamed, too, flailing on Scott's bed. They stopped screaming and inhaled loudly, and I poked my head in.

"Hi, Melissa," I said sheepishly. I crawled onto Scott's bed, sitting on my knees.

"Stiles, Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?" Melissa panted.

"What am I doing?" Stiles yelled back, tensing as he tried to calm himself. "God, do either of you even play baseball?" Melissa sighed, staring at the bat. The light flicked on and Scott stood in the doorway, staring oddly at us.

"Can you please tell your friends to use the front door?" Melissa asked, all panic and anger gone from her voice.

"But we lock the front door. They wouldn't be able to get in," Scott replied.

"Yeah, exactly," she said. "And, by the way, do any of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?"

We all looked at each other before frowned and shaking our heads. "No."

Melissa scoffed, "No? Alright, then. Well, you know what?" She tossed the bat on the bed next to me. "That's about enough parenting for me for one night. So, goodnight." She held up two peace signs as she left the room, and I giggled. I always had liked her. Stiles sighed, staring at Scott.

"What?" Scott asked, noticing Stiles' expression of 'you've really done it this time'. Scott dragged over an antique chair on wheels that looked older than my grandma and sat in it, his eyes jumping from me to Stiles. I was surprised the chair didn't squeak and fall to the ground in pieces.

"My dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago. It's the bus driver. They said he succumbed to his wounds," Stiles sighed.


"He's dead, Scott," I whispered. When I heard it the first time, it was hard to accept, and the second time wasn't any easier. Scott's eyes widened and he seemed to not be breathing as he looked at the floor. Suddenly, he jumped up and ran out the door, ignoring both of our calls for him to stop.

I sighed when I heard the front door open and shut. "You think it was Derek?"

"I know it was Derek."

"That's unfortunate..." I replied, sighing dramatically. Stiles scoffed, shaking his head at me. I shrugged and smiled, making his mouth force up into a smile. He was looking over his shoulder at me, his eyes scanning over my entire being, then flicking back up to my eyes. I swallowed nervously. "I should get home."

"Right. Yeah, I'll take you home." He seemed to shake himself off, then we left, also leaving behind the tension of the silence.

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