Heart Monitor Part 1

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"I'm so pissed, Y/N, it's not even funny," Stiles ranted on the drive to school. It was a little funny, but I wasn't going to say that. For the past day and a half, he'd been griping about Scott not answering his call, and how his dad almost got hurt because of him. I still didn't understand how that last thing was Scott's fault. The Sheriff got hit by a car. Although, Scott did choose to save Allison instead... Okay, I understood why he was upset.

When I told him that Scott had told me Derek had chased him down in a parking garage as practice, that made him laugh. Though he was laughing at Scott. It seemed to make him feel better. Scott also said Derek told him to stay away from Allison. How did I know all this without Stiles knowing? Well, because Stiles was refusing to speak to Scott, which made it awkward to be both their friends. Stiles wanted me on his side, and so did Scott, and naturally, I tried to remain side-less. Like a circle. So far, it was working.

"Don't you think maybe it's time to forgive him? I mean, after all, he's gunna need his best friends to fill the Allison void," I said.


"Okay," I replied, walking into class. As I sat down next to Stiles, I leaned over and said, "Scott's your best friend. Jus-."

"You're my best friend," he replied, making my heart do funny jumps in my chest.

"And you're mine, but so is Scott. For both of us. At least hear him out? For me? Your best friend?" I bat my lashes at him and his lips moved like he was trying to say no, but the word 'yes' just kept fighting its way through. I smiled and he relented just in time for Scott to walk in the room.

As Scott took his seat behind Stiles, he lifted the corner of his mouth at me, and I did the same so he would know I wasn't mad at him. Stiles flipped through his book like it was the most interesting thing in the world. At least he was trying?

"Still not talking to me?" Scott asked, and Stiles blinked, not acknowledging Scott's voice. Scott sighed. "Can you at least tell me if your dad's okay? I mean, it's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing... that big...?"

Stiles tongued his cheek in anger, trying not to lash out at Scott. "He's doing okay," I said, and Scott nodded.

"You know I feel really bad about it, right?" Scott asked. Stiles rolled his eyes, a heavy frown on his face. "Okay. Um... What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and... That I went to Derek for help." Stiles looked over at me, and I smiled again, blinking cutely at him. He sighed and hit the desk with his pencil.

"If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you," Stiles sighed. I bit my lip and chuckled at my desk. That might just be the best I was gunna get.

The bell rang for class to start and Stiles sat forward in his seat, twirling the pencil in his fingers, successfully distracting me. He looked over at me again since I was staring and I smiled at him again. He pulled his lips into a knot, inhaling deeply through his nose.

He whizzed around in his seat and said defeatedly, "What did he say?" I grinned at Scott, who looked over to me, then he smiled, too.


As we walked out the class, Stiles said, "Wh... He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" I walked between the two, trying to figure out what do to about Derek.


"Isn't that kinda dangerous?" I asked.

"Yes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but every time Scott gets angry, he tries to kill someone. And that someone's usually me," Stiles replied, not liking Derek's idea.

"I know," Scott blurted. "That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"Well, how's he gunna teach you to do that?" I asked.

Scott shrugged. "I don't know. And I don't think he does, either."

"That's a recipe for success," I muttered.

"Okay," Stiles said like he thought Derek was an idiot. "When are you seeing him again?"

"Just told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day."

"When?" Stiles asked, stopping.

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work."

"After work. Alright, well, that gives us till the end of the school day then," Stiles said. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"To do what exactly?" I said.

"To teach him ourselves," he said like I was the idiot for not getting it. He walked off, and I watched him go, huffing a dry laugh.

"Right. Obviously," I muttered.

Scott, Stiles, and I sat at a table during lunch, but Scott had a textbook standing up that he kept ducking behind every time Allison would look over.

I pointed at the book in front of Stiles and I sitting properly on the table. "There. I think that's the answer," I said. Stiles read it then looked at the question on the homework packet.

"Yeah, I think you're right." We both wrote down the answer then checked the page for the next answer. Stiles did a double-take at Scott then shook his head and grabbed the top of Scott's book. "I think the book's making it more obvious."

I looked back at Allison, who was now alone. "Besides, she's reading anyway."

Scott looked over his book, ducked back down, then closed it slightly to look at our homework. "Did you come up with a plan yet?"

"I think so," Stiles replied stiffly, still angry at Scott. He bit into an apple and I smiled down at the textbook. Something so simple can become so extraordinary when done by someone you find extraordinary.

"Does that mean you don't hate me now?" Scott asked hopefully. Stiles stopped chewing for a second to think about it.

"No," he answered like it was obvious. "But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it. Plus, I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Okay, yeah, you teach me," Scott said, back to hiding behind the book and sneaking glances at Allison.

"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda."

"Yeah. You... Be my Yoda."

"Your Yoda, I will be," Stiles said in his best (actually the worst) Yoda voice then chuckled like he thought he was cute. I dead-panned at him and Scott shook his head. "I said it backwar-."

"Yeah, we got it," I interrupted.

Stiles frowned at me. "Alright, you know what? Now I hate you, too. Uh-huh-huh! Oh, yeah!" He cackled rudely, slamming my textbook that we were using closed. He snatched his (the one Scott was using to hide himself) and grabbed his stuff standing up.

"Wha-. Sti-! Come on! I was just... I was just kidding!" I laughed as I went after him, letting Scott try to outrun Allison on his own.

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