Frayed Part 3

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The bus driver immediately pulled to a rest stop, and everyone coughed and scrambled off the bus to escape the stench. Stiles and I helped Scott off the bus as Allison and Lydia came running up to us. We all piled into the men's restroom, setting Scott down against the wall.

Allison lifted Scott's shirt to reveal the gashes. They were deep and covered in black blood and there were dark black veins surrounding it.

"Oh, my god. Why didn't you tell us?" Allison asked him.

"Sorry," Scott smiled weakly. Allison stood and pulled the three of us over into a private conversation.

"This shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal from worse than this," Allison said.

"Okay, what do we do then? Do we just call an ambulance?" Stiles asked.

"What if it's too late, what if they can't help?" I said, hoping that I wasn't right about that.

"We gotta do something," Stiles replied.

"Maybe it's psychological," Lydia offered.

"Like psychosomatic?" Stiles asked.

"Somatoformic," Lydia responded. I stared at them with confusion, the words going in one ear and out the other. "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause."

"Okay, whatever on the technical details right now. Does whatever that means help Scott heal?" I blurted, my patience running low.

"Yes. It's all in his head," Lydia finished.

"All in his head because of Derek," Stiles figured. "He's not letting himself heal because Derek died."

"So what do we do?" Allison asked, rubbing the back of her neck as she sighed nervously. Lydia pulled a small sewing kit out of her large, overfilled purse.

"Stitch him up," she shrugged. I pursed my lips at her. "I'm serious. Maybe all he needs to do is just believe it's healing."

"It's what we got, so let's do it," I said. "Okay, Allison, get the needle and thread ready, Stiles get paper towels. A lot of them. I'll get Scott's shirt off." They nodded and I turned, kneeling down in front of Scott. "Hey, Scott. You with me?"

Scott's eyes opened a crack and he nodded. "Y/N. I'm glad you and Stiles are together," he murmured. He was definitely out of it. "And I'm glad you finally got together." A small smile spread on his face like he was trying to be cheeky. I felt my face flush a deep red as I heard all movement behind me cease.

It felt like they were all staring at me, then I heard Allison snicker quietly.

"Uh, okay," I mumbled, trying to move on.

Scott put his hand on my shoulder. "No, seriously. Stiles showed me the scratches on his back."

"Okay, thanks, Scotty. I-I get it. I'm gunna take your shirt off, okay?" I said. He nodded, and I started to ease his shirt up. I pulled off one sleeve, then the other, then slid it off his head.

"He's gunna need another shirt. Where's his bag?" Allison asked.

"Um, I'm gunna get it," Stiles said quickly. "I hate needles anyway, so-. Uh, do you know what you're doing?" Our eyes turned to Allison as she held a flame beneath the needle.

"Yeah, my father taught me."

"How fast can you do it? The bus could leave," I said.

"Well, make sure it doesn't."

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