The Fox and the Wolf Part 3

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Kira looked at her mom with shock and whispered, "How did you do that?"

"It's one of our talents," she smiled. I wanted to point out that it wasn't just a Kitsune thing, but I didn't think now was the time. "Something you'll learn, Kira. You should've noticed by now that you never get sick. You'll never experience something as simple as a common cold. Something as bad as the flu. Or something like-."

"Pneumonia. Same as the others," the doctor said through his mask after examining Michio. Rinko coughed, and Noshiko put her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm okay. It's not that bad," Rinko insisted. Rinko wasn't wearing a mask, so Noshiko was worried she was getting sick, too. It seemed like her entire group was falling ill. Rinko walked away to comfort a coughing friend, and Noshiko looked up to see Rhys speaking with the doctor. It looked like he was scolding Rhys, but she couldn't hear what they were saying.

Rhys walked quickly to her, saying equally as fast, "Everyone's coming down with pneumonia. And we are all out of M&B."


"May and Baker Pharmaceuticals. It's sulfadiazine."

Noshiko sighed, then her eyes widened and she said, "I saw those boxes."

"What do you mean, boxes? We only got one."

"There were three," she corrected urgently. "I know I took a bunch of stuff of that truck, but I didn't take any M&B."

As Rhys scanned through his log, Michio's father yelled his name, shouting in Japanese, and crying. Noshiko ran over to him to see him holding a limp and dead Michio in his arms. Noshiko watched Michio's father rock him and sob. The baseball fell from Michio's hand, rolling away slowly.

When all the MP's were out, Rinko gathered all the nervous people to talk. "All we have to do is go to the administration and issue a formal complaint."

"You wanna talk to them?" Michio's father snapped. "Let's talk to them. Let's tell them how one their doctors has been stealing medication and selling it on the black market."

"They'll listen," Rinko insisted. "They have to."

"I'm sure they will. They'll nod their heads with their condescending smiles. They'll say, 'A new shipment is on its way. Any day now.' While today..." Michio's father squeezed tears out of his eyes, his chin trembling. "Today, my son is dead."

"I know how you feel-." Rinko was interrupted by a fit of her own coughs.

The father shook his head at her sadly. "No, Rinko. I know how you feel. You feel sick. I'm gunna bury you next to Michio." He walked away to kneel by Michio's bed.

"You want to know what I think?" Satomi asked. She was sitting at her usual perch, staring down at her board game. "You won't even get a condescending smile. They won't listen to us. Why should they?"

Father stood, a bottle of alcohol in his hand with a white cloth hanging out. "I have a way to make them listen."

"I had realized the mistake I had made by speaking too son," Mrs. Yukimura said, fiddling with another blade piece. "I wasn't helping anyone. I was inciting a riot." Her eyes filled with unshed tears as she thought back.

The doctor, Merrick, and Hayes pulled up to the camp gates, getting ready to leave. Hundreds of imprisoned Asians flooded the path, blocking the car from opening its doors or leaving. Guards held up their guns and Rhys yelled for them to stop, for them not to shoot.

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