Fireflies Part 1

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The wind whipped past my face as I ran with Scott and Derek. The moon was high and the trees were a blur of green and brown as I ran. I had to slow down so they could keep up with me, but I was running, so I was happy.

The only downside was we weren't just having a grand old jog in the woods. We were hunting Cora and Boyd, who'd gotten free from the vault not hours earlier. I left Stiles with Peter—I know, I didn't want to, but I had to help. Not even twenty minutes ago, Boyd tried to tear two little kids apart. Thankfully, Derek got to him in time. But they got away, so Derek and Scott recruited me to help him find them. Anyone unlucky enough to find their way in Boyd or Cora's path was sure to wind up dead, which is what we were trying to avoid.

Derek jumped over a branch, Scott ran through a small space in a tree, ending in a roll, and I summersaulted over a high branch, ending in a crouched position on the other side of Scott.

Derek stared down at a footprint in the mud that wasn't our own. Over to the left, Cora growled, and we chased the sound. She was fighting Isaac, and she tossed him up, and he collided with a tree before falling back to the ground. Scott ran and jumped over Isaac, slamming feet first into Cora.

I jumped over Scott to land on top of Cora. So I wouldn't hurt her, I rolled taking her with me, then flinging her off in Scott's direction. Scott and I faced Cora, blocking her in as Isaac moved to block her side. Derek came up on the other side and she snarled at him. His fangs popped out and he snarled back, but deeper and more commanding. She ran past Isaac—who was wearing a freaking scarf. What? —and he, Scott and Derek chased after her.

I turned to the woman trembling in her skin standing by the tent. She was probably my age. As I approached, she stepped back terrified. I wasn't transformed, so I knew I wasn't too scary, and I put my hands up to show I wasn't going to hurt her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"What?" she whimpered, holding herself tightly.

"You need to get out of the woods as fast as you can," I told her nicely. "Okay? Don't stop until you're out." I nodded at her then ran off in the direction the others went, following the sounds of their feet.

I found them all stopped and in a circle, Cora nowhere in sight. They looked at me as I approached, then my phone started to ring. I held up a finger and answered it after seeing that it was Stiles.

"What's up, babe?" I asked, earning an eye roll from Derek and pursed lips from Isaac.

"Lydia found a dead body at the public pool. She called the police before me. Can you believe that?" he grumbled angrily.

I ignored that last part. "Like.... Like how dead?"

"Pretty dead, baby. Like werewolf meat dead."

"Are you sure?" I looked at Scott, letting him know with my expression that this was serious.

"Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the freakin' Shining over here," Stiles replied. It was sad how used to this we had gotten. "Two little twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gunna be surprised."

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" I asked. The last thing I wanted to do was tell Scott that we had failed and someone was killed at the hands of Boyd and Cora.

"Make sure it was them? Y/N, who else is going around ripping throats out?"

"Please just do it," I begged. I heard Stiles sigh, but he didn't answer. The public pool wasn't anywhere near the Preserve. How would Boyd and Cora gotten that far away from us?

"Yeah, Y/N, he's dead. Throat looks disgusting," Stiles said, sounding like he was going to be sick.

"Okay, uh, y-you stay with Lydia. Make sure nothing happens to her," I told him.

"Wh-, uhh, a-are you sure?"

"Unless I have a reason to worry?" I really didn't think I did. One, I trusted Stiles with my entire being, and two, Lydia was one of my friends. She wouldn't make a move on Stiles.

"No. No, of course not, baby. I'm just..."

"I trust you," I said before ending the call. "Stiles thinks one of them killed someone by the pool."

"Some totally innocent kid is dead... And it's our fault," Scott said sadly. Derek sighed, blinking slowly.

"It's my fault," he corrected.

"We need help," I said.

"We have Isaac now," Derek replied, completely and totally confident in Isaac's ability to pull us through. It was nice to see.

"Real help," Scott said what I was too ashamed to. Isaac looked at him with a 'wow, thanks' look, his hands stuffed in his coat pocket. Honestly, it was 75 degrees out, why was he wearing a coat and a scarf?

"They're too fast for you and too strong for me," I said, standing next to Scott to show I was on his side. Derek, as though he was making the hardest decision of his life, proposed that we kill them. There was a bit of healthy debate before we decided, thanks to me and Scott, that killing them was not an option.

"If we can't even catch them, what else do we do?" Isaac asked.

"We find someone who knows what they're doing," Scott said.

"Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves," I added, smiling at the thought. It was ironic that last year, Argent was my enemy, and now I was asking for his help. Good thing I never killed him.


Scott and I, in Argent's car (go figure), pulled up to the scene of the murder where flashes of blue and red flooded the air. This was our last-ditch attempt to get Argent to agree to help. He refused since 'our world decimated his'. Understandable, considering everything he's lost—and almost lost—thanks to the supernatural.

We watched Argent stare at the family crying over their dead child hidden within the body bag. A look of horrified sadness crossed Argent's face and Scott looked back at me as if to say, 'we got him'.

"Thanks again for the ride," Scott said.

"Yeah, thanks, Mr. Argent," I added. Scott turned to get out, but Argent grabbed his arm, and I smirked. It was unfortunate it took him seeing the death of a teenager to agree to help us, but at least we got his help.

"They did this? Boyd and..." Argent asked, inhaling deeply trough his nose like he was trying not to get angry.

"Cora," Scott said.

Argent nodded and looked over to Scott. "Where was the last place you saw them?"

I wanted to high-five Scott, but I felt under the current circumstances, it was slightly inappropriate, so I settled for a self-satisfied smile.

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