Second Chance at First Line Part 4

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Stiles drove me to the game, but I was two hours early since he had to be there early to get dressed and warm up. The sky was getting dark, and I was sitting alone on the field. One thing they don't tell you is just how nerve-wracking an empty grass field can be all alone. To the normal human, maybe. But for me, I was fine being alone.

Thirty minutes before the game, I listened in to find Stiles' voice. He was talking to Scott.

"Just try not to worry too much while you're out there, okay? Or get too angry," he said after sighing.

"I got it." Scott replied.

"Or stressed."

"I got it," Scott answered.

"Don't think about Allison being in the stands. Or that her father's trying to kill you." Stiles' voice got increasingly panicked. "Or that Derek's trying to kill you. Or the girl he killed. Or that you might kill someone. If a hunter doesn't kill you fir-. I'm sorry. I'll stop. Good luck."

"Jesus Christ, Stiles, you suck so much," I giggled to myself, focusing back on the story I was reading.

The people that filled the stands screamed as the lacrosse team came out, joined by another lacrosse team in green and white. I had moved to sit with Allison and her dad, so I could do damage control if need be. Allison introduced us, and he smiled at me, shaking my hand. I smiled back, suddenly worried my fangs would pop out for no reason. They didn't, thank god.

As Scott was walking with Stiles to the bench, Lydia pulled Scott to her by his jersey. "Scott. I just want you to remember for tonight." Stiles gaped at them, then sat on the bench with a huff.

Scott looked down at her hand gripping his shirt and moved his head back to get as far away from her lips as possible. "Uh... Winning isn't everything?"

She chuckled and released him, wiping off his jersey. "Nobody likes a loser." She patted his chest then walked up the stands, squeezing her little butt between me and Allison and setting a poster down. She smiled at me, but it was a genuine (well, for her) smile, so I smiled back.

When I looked back out to the field, I scanned over each jersey to find my Stiles. I mean, to find Stiles. Number 24, by the way. Before I could find him, my eyes locked with Jackson, who was already watching me. He smirked and I gulped. It was like he could hear that because his smirk got wider. I looked over to Lydia, somehow feeling like this was something next to cheating, but she hadn't noticed.

I looked back at Jackson and he winked at me, then the whistle blew and he turned to go onto the field. No. I did not want Jackson to kiss me.

Feeling somewhat guilty for a reason I couldn't explain, I moved to sit with Melissa McCall, who'd taken off from nursing at the hospital to watch her son play his first game.

"Hey Ms. McCall," I said as I sat down.

"Melissa, Y/N, you know that." She smiled at me. Sheriff Stilinski came over and sat down on the other side of Melissa.

"Think Stiles will see any action tonight?" Sheriff asked.

My mouth let out a breathy laugh before I could stop it. "I think he'll see quite a bit of action." If Scott loses his cool.

The whistle blew and the game started. Every time Scott was ready, his teammates would choose to toss the ball to another player.

"Come on! Scott's wide open!" I yelled with frustration. I felt the judge-y yet amused looks from Melissa and Sheriff and tried to pretend I didn't notice it. The one with the ball got tackled, and the ball rolled onto the grass. Scott ran for the ball, and so did Jackson. What the hell?

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