Abomination Part 2

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Stiles and I were sitting in Scott's car (me in the back but leaning between the two front seats) after he picked us up.

"You okay?" Scott asked when Stiles sighed.

"Yeah," he replied quietly. "You were right. It's not like you. I mean, it's eyes were almost, like, reptilian. But there was something about him."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know when you see a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure out who it is?" Stiles said.

"Are you saying you know who it is?" Scott asked.

"No." Stiles looked over at us. "But I think it knew me."

My mind whirred, remembering something. "Hey. I didn't see a cut on the back of your neck." Stiles narrowed his eyes and shook his head in a shrug like what I was saying had nothing to do with anything. "What actually happened? Tell me everything."

Stiles finally told the truth about what happened in the motor shop. Apparently, he'd gone back to the waiting area and there was this clear slime on the handle. A few seconds later, he couldn't move at all. In the workshop, he could see something scaly and green with long claws through the window. It sliced the back of the mechanic's neck with its tail, and then the mechanic was paralyzed a few seconds later. They both watched helplessly as the hydraulic slowly came down to squish him until he was dead.

I couldn't even imagine seeing something like that and not being able to help. I hoped that I'd be lucky enough to get through this ordeal without feeling the uselessness of being paralyzed by the toxin.

I winced, looking at both of them because I'd figured something out.

"What?" they asked.

"If you simply touched the slime, then that means whatever this thing is doesn't need to break the skin to paralyze someone," I started.

Scott's eyes widened like he understood. "Which means it's able to paralyze anyone at any time."

"Yeah..." I said. This was good. It had been too easy before.


I sighed as I opened the door to my room, then I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a tall, black figure standing at my desk and looking at a picture. It looked like a man, but I couldn't tell because there were no lights on. He turned his head to look at me and set down the photograph.

I hissed and pounced at him. Then he growled and pushed me up. I landed behind him on my hands and feet, snarling at him. I needed to get to the light switch so I could see who was attacking me. I hissed and lunged, making him fall backwards. He laughed as I landed on top of him, confusing me. Wait, why was I needing the light? I was a freaking werecat, idiot. I used my cat eyes to see and froze in my spot of top of Isaac.

"Hi," he said, smiling adorably. My face dropped into a scowl and I pushed off of him, stomping to go turn on the light. When it flicked on, I crossed my arms, mostly so he wouldn't notice my braless-ness underneath Scott's jacket, and glared at him.

"What are you doing here? I could've killed you," I grumbled.

He hid a smile. "I wanted to apologize. For not calling, for fighting you and Scott. I'm sorry."

"That's great. Now get out."

"Wait, Y/N, please. Can you just-..." He mumbled as I started pushing him to the window. "I'm not leaving." He spun out of the way so he was standing next to my bed.

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